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Voodoo 5 preview

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  • Voodoo 5 preview

    Voodoo 5 previews are out at: (if link on their main page doesn't work, put a / at the end eg. ...voodoo5/ )

    hmm... The card doesn't seem that impressive to me. I thought it was supposed to kill the GeForce. But it doesn't seem to. These are simply previews using alpha boards but still...

    Who thinks that 3dfx will do well with this card? I'm thinking of buying some 3dfx stock but now I have doubts...

    See Ya Later!(tm)
    See Ya Later!(tm)

  • #2
    I think 3dfx will sell a lot of them. The question is, I think, will they make more money than they spend. And will they convince OEM's to stick the Voodoo4 in their machines.

    It appears faster than the fastest GeForce (nyah, nyah), although not by much. The announced price is cheaper, although I suspect that will change. Kyle said it was high in the eye candy department, and if the 2D is as good as the Voodoo3, they might have something.

    Rest assured, the nVidia trolls are already out, causing trouble. I've already seen posts to a 3dfx board from people who can barely read, much less construct a coherent arguement.

    If anyone was expecting anything revolutionary, I suspect they are not going to get it. Since the Voodoo2, things seem to have moved up incrementally, and I think that's exactly what's happening here. We're most likely seeing an alpha board with beta drivers, however, so I expect it to ship a little faster than what we're seeing in the two previews.

    It's something new from someone other than nVidia. (I don't count ATI or S3. ) That's got to be a good thing. I just think nVidia fans are such bores, and things can be really dull without 3dfx in the picture.

    So, does anyone think Tom Pabst will give it a bad review?


    [This message has been edited by paulcs (edited 19 April 2000).]

