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A wopper

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  • A wopper

    Ok people here is a good one for ya to help me figure out. lets start off with the system specs.
    Dell Demension XPS_R400
    P2 400Mhz
    128Mb PC-100 ram
    A-12 bios

    Well I have 2 video cards and 2 sound cards. The 2 vid cards are A STB nVidia zxv 8mb the 2nd is a Matrox G400 Max.
    The first Sound card is a TBS Montego 1 the second a Sound Blaster Live Platinum.

    The only configurations i can run are.
    first Vid Card first sound card
    first Vid Card second sound card
    second vid Card first sound card.

    Hehe the matrox G400 dosen't want to cooperate with the Sound Blaster Live.
    When i boot up with the 2nd vid and 2nd sound I get a post beep 1-2 that means no video card dected , and it just never boots. I have gone through everything that i can think of. Please i would love to run a top notch Vid card with a top notch sound card.
    Thanks a Bunch

    ]|[ PAPPY ]|[

  • #2
    Have you pushed the G400 Max in firmly?? If not, try removing it and re-seat it in the AGP-slot.

    To run the G400 with an SB Live you need Liveware 2.01 I think, or you'll have crashes.

    Since you have a P2, TGL won't be a question yet



    • #3
      The G400 is in there good really good.. if I try to startup my machine with just the g400 no sound card at all it dosent boot!! thats weird. Also I have the 3.0 version of the software..

      ]|[ PAPPY ]|[


      • #4
        Almost sounds like a dead Max. Have you tried putting the Max in another PC and see if that one will boot?

        Which drivers are you using with the Max?? PD5.30 is the latest batch you should try, with the latest bios.

        But ofcourse, if the Max refuses in the other PC, it's as dead as a dodo, and you'll have to RMA it.



        • #5
          In my Dell (XPS-R450), the G400 would not boot unless the AGP aperture was set to 256 MB. This was with a Soundblaster Live. and little else.


          • #6
            Well right now I don't have access to another computer. I think it might be a defect. In 3D mark max I see just a gray pic for the EMBM 2 pass. And what does RMA it mean? And Brian What does that 256 mb thinge how do i set it and will it hurt my Computer?
            Thanks a bunch,

            ]|[ PAPPY ]|[


            • #7
              The AGP aperture is the amount of system RAM available for use by the video card. Setting it to 256 MB is not harmful to your system.

              Take the Max out of the system and boot using the other video card. When the big DELL appears on the screen (right after powerup) hit the DELETE key. When the setup program is showing, go to the ADVANCED menu item and select the VIDEO CONFIGURATION submenu. Set the AGP APERTURE SIZE to 256 MB and exit the setup menu, saving the changes you made. Once the cpu has finished boot-up, shut off the computer and re-install the MAX. Dealing with a two-video card setup is beyond my experience, however, if you have deleted all references to the other card and other previous drivers, the MAX should now work alone. I would get it to work alone perfectly and then figure out how to add the other card.

              [This message has been edited by Brian R. (edited 18 October 1999).]


              • #8
                Hey thanks guys. After my last post I shut down my computer opened it up than moved the jumper on the mobo to the setup mode. I rebooted and went to the bios setup and I did the 64 to 256 thinge. IT WORKED!!!! Thanks a bunch guys now i get both eye and ear candy!!!!

                ]|[ PAPPY ]|[


                • #9
                  Oh one more thing I only have 128 mb avail LOL i bet the computer is thinking something like where is the other 128. What will not having the other 128 do? Does this increase system performance as well?

                  ]|[ PAPPY ]|[

