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Long overdue explenation of bizar and mesterious Dragon Behaviour

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  • Long overdue explenation of bizar and mesterious Dragon Behaviour

    I suppose it’s about time I gave you guys an update on the this thread..

    Here goes...

    Some 10 years ago.

    I met the LowLifeCat... it was an interesting crossing of paths... we where alike in many ways... (except he was more of an ****ole, that’s a compliment btw... and me .. a hopeless romantic)

    At the time I was dating my first wife... back in the days when things were still good.. Ah the good old days...




    Any ways... our good friend LLC soon became the household cat... he was just one step away from being a permanent member of the family... by just being there... ... we became the best of friends
    Around that time LLC introduced me to a friend of his from Canada... codename Kali...

    LLC seemed to be very fond of Kali and the first time I had a chat with her.. I could see why.. I always felt comfortable talking to her about anything... And I did... even when I was having problems with Ouss.. (My ex-wife) kali was there to talk with me....

    I have to admit... That through the years ... I always felt this great respect and admiration for this lady, for the free person that she is... And for her wisdom... she may be 15 years older than me ... but I never felt there was an age difference... I could talk to her about anything... and she always treated me as an equal... and hence a good friendship was born...

    She used to describe her friendship with LLC as something she was very fond of…. In fact she used to describe fact that LLC was like part of the furniture in her apartment


    Several years go... sometime in the early 2000's LLC finally leaves Lebanon and heads back to Canada...
    He spends the first month at Kali’s place

    A few years later.... I am getting a divorce from ouss... because that relationship was simply not going anywhere... and it may have very well been my fault...
    Mind you though... I was never disloyal in any kind of way... on the contrary... I was always loyal and true to her... things just did not work out the way we thought they would.... so we took out separate paths... but remained friends.....

    As you all may know... I was supposed to be in Canada in 2005.... As a landed migrant... that however did not pan out for me because when I applied, I applied under ouss' name as her spouse... she was the principal applicant.... it was sweet of her to offer me to go to Canada together and then split up after wards.... yes.. Like I said... We left on friendly terms... and good friendly terms at that...

    however, I thought that it would not be honest of me to do something like that.... can’t help it... I believe in honesty.... my motto is... honesty above all else... honesty is love...

    Any way... so as the ex-spouse of a principal applicant... I had to forfeit my part of the application.....

    No problem there.... I thought I’d re-apply again when I felt the time was right for me....

    So... ouss goes off to Canada ... I stay in leb... I quit my job at uni... joined a friend of mine to help him establish his new production house... and .... BOOM... the political crap situation in Lebanon starts to deteriorate...

    Ah well... everything happened for a reason...

    I spent most of 2005 doing just enough freelance jobs to make enough money to live on... I did not have that many expenses... I had no rent to pay... No debt... nothing... and I just needed the time off....


    2005 was a year of mixed results... it was a year that I went out exploring old venues... and new ones... I was exploring life... and I ran across many disappointments... but I also bumped in too many beautiful things...

    I was meeting all sorts of people... note that I said I was meeting all sorts of people... most of whom where complicated at best.... note that I said this for something I am going to say later on....

    For now I will just say that things where interesting... not on a physical level... but on an emotional and cognitive level... things were happening... or not happening... which over way one would see it.. And I say again... None of these connections where sexual... or even passionate love... … except for one... a cool lady friend of mine whom had abandoned our friendship some years ago because she felt she did not want her feelings for me to develop and get between me an ouss (something that I found common among several people later on… not all nesseceraly women btw ;-) )

    Any way …
    Towards the end of the year (2005) I started feeling the need for change.....

    Low and behold... I get an offer to go work in Dubai as a senior editor in a well established production house...

    I said... Hell.. Why not...
    “The good thing is I don’t know anyone in Dubai and I could use the space... and the money… “

    Boy was I wrong.... it turned out that everyone and their father where in Dubai... well... actually 2 days before I got to Dubai on 2 Feb. 2006 (the 1st anniversary of my divorce btw) I found out that my dad actually lives there with his wife and my baby sister... (yeah…... that’s a long story on its own....)

    So off to Dubai I went

    Swell... I did not have to stay in hotel… I stayed at their place for the first month….

    Oh… did I mention I got hired based on my reputation alone… and that the company has neither my CV nor my portfolio to this day…..
    Well... when I came to Dubai I did not have that much expectations… but things started to develop… let’s just say that employment ethics are not that well developed here.. And that there are no effective institutions to protect the workforce and the workers’ rights... but one day that may change….
    Before I left for Dubai... in December 2005... I had a long chat with LLC who at that time happened to be living at Kali’s place cause he was at that point working in Montréal.. And at the same company as she was… I thought to myself back then… “great… miserable as he is… he is in good hands.. “ why miserable… long story… has to do with a poor cats broken heart… but it’s not my place to talk of other peoples love lives…

    And I was also happy to know that ouss met up with LLC and hence also Kali…
    LLC was urging me back then to drop everything and get to Canada… which at the time I thought was too early for me to reapply for immigration…. Just did not think it was time for me yet... Sigh
    Any way... I was out of contact for a while as some of you may recall… because I had no internet for a while…

    1 month after I got to Dubai… I moved out of my dad’s place and got my own lovely little studio apartment… very expensive rent… but there was no way in hell I was going to take an apartment any where coming in with the flow of the traffic… especially since back then I was still relying on taxi’s… and I HATE traffic….. Where I live now… going to work... No traffic... Coming back home... No traffic…

    (Sharja anyone?)

    Still had no internet or phone line... just had my mobile phone…. No TV nothing… it was a good time for me to enjoy my solitude… and I did…

    At work… I was enjoying the company of my lady Unicorn… an interesting person.. We had a lot in common… and our friendship developed….

    Sometime after February I heard from LLC and found out that he and Kali had some sort of major fallout… I was disappointed… and I wanted so badly to talk to kali and get her side of the story… but I did not… thinking that if LLC was this upset... I wonder how upset she might be… and if she would talk to me at all….. lol…. It was pretty silly… but then again everything happens for a reason….

    Like when I had to go back to leb in May to renew my passport… wow that was an experience…. In the course of 3 month... so many people had missed me… I told no one I was coming… but somehow my sister found out … and knew which flight too... and she came to the airport and picked me up in her friends hummer… lol…. Yeh... my sister likes to show off sometimes…

    It was one long week… I met a lot of my friends... and to my surprise a lot of people I had not seen for a while showed up… many of them where coming to me to tell me how much they missed me… and how much I meant to them??!?? And how I had made such a strong and profound impact on their lives??!??!!?? Many of them in tears….. Wow…. Where did this come from…. I was suddenly feeling suffocated… I wanted to go back to my solitude… then a good friend of mine took me aside and explained it to me….. “sam… do you realize how many people you have helped? How many people you pushed ahead? The things that they learned from you? You attract the weirdest people with the weirdest complexes… and you show them the good things about themselves… have you ever noticed how depressed… even suicidal people find you… and learn how to love themselves because of you….”
    and you all know how depressive I am…. Right? Well, while I did not buy the whole deal from my good friend... I did finally relax…. And just let things be… my last night in leb was interesting… I spent it with my lady friend (the one who had previously stayed away from me as not to come between me ouss…) it was an interesting evening…… …… ….. ….. and we fell asleep in each others arms… cuddling….
    Suddenly she woke up and said with a start “I feel like my time with you is over.. I have this sudden feeling that I have had more than my fair share of you…” and she got up kissed me and left….

    Next day I while I was boarding the plane… I had a nasty feeling… I looked out the window and realized that things in leb where going to go extremely bad soon…. but that is not the reason I started to cry…

    Why did I cry?

    So many things …. One of them was the fact that my lady Unicorn was being fired from her job at that moment.. don’t ask me how but I felt it… she did not deserve to be fired… she was fired because of another jealous bitch….
    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"

  • #2
    Her life was ruined temporarily… and it hit me hard to see her like this… I was coming back to hell… and I knew it…

    Shit really started to hit the fan when I got back… I started feeling miserable…. One bad thing led to another… but still I moved on … still I plowed through all the heavy sand dunes… I stood by my lady unicorn and helped her any way I can.. morally and other wise….

    It was at this point that I started to see how bad of a work environment I was in… however… I had a wonderful team… and everyone’s respect… as far as my co-workers went… they where a wonderful bunch…
    Soon I became the central reference point for all kinds of info and advice at work…. I was the all in one guru… any one had a problem or doubts about something.. personal, technical, creative and other wise … came to me to sort them out…

    I had peoples respect because for the first time… they saw an Arab... and a Lebanese none the less… who treated them as equals rather than be condescending and back stabbing…. People would come to my help when I needed them… without me asking… and I did the same for them….

    However… work was not without its bumps and crap from management and clients… and arrogant people who thought they were gods… mostly Lebanese…
    The interesting thing is all the non-Lebanese I met where very surprised... And almost did not believe the fact that I was a Lebanese… kind of “but you don’t quack like a duck so you cant be a duck” kind of thing…

    But enough about work……

    Some time passed… and it was July 2006. I finally got myself the UAE resident visa… which allowed me to open up a bank account.. Which allowed me to get a land line… and my first ever broad band internet connection… I love my broad band…. Especially the area I am living in has no restrictions… no web censorship.. etc.. it’s a free zone area …. Yay….

    Finally having internet at home… I was online constantly… especially on weekends… that is how one day I saw kali go online and decided that it was time to ask….

    Ah… where do I begin…
    It was a while since she and I had a chat… and remember I was afraid that she did not want to talk to me because of what happened with LLC… apparently she was afraid to talk to me before because she thought I would side with him… she wanted to tell me her side of the story… but was just apprehensive about it as I was… she did not want to get between me and my friend LLC….

    However… her side of the story is what I actually expected to have happened… LLC left a lot of gaps in his story… and here was kali filling in the gaps… and to make sure that she was not being subjective… she had some friends and family transcripts confirming what I knew to be true… LLC had pissed on himself and was too proud to admit it... and as usual … blamed the mistake on someone other than himself…. Sigh…. I knew this was true.. because I know his character.. and I have had some similar experiences with him before… I was not too surprised to here the truth… but I wished that there was something I could do for my cat… my brother… LLC.. whom I love a lot… and whom I consider to be the closest male friend in my life….

    I will not get in to the details of what happened… such things are not meant for a public forum… and especially not on murc… for reasons other than personal… but I will add this that the fight they had left her feeling sad.. because LLC screwed a good friendship.

    Inevitably, LLC ****up got me and Kali closer together... After the silence was broken in July… Kali and I started chatting on a regular basis… we got hooked on each other… we would anxiously wait to be alone together to chat…. And boy did we chat… I mean I have been saving MSN history since 2003… though I have been using IM a lot longer than that… but since 2003 I have been keeping chat logs…

    Let me put it this way… it was not until august 2006 that I discovered that MSN logs have a size limit on them… and therefore it does a version archiving thing…. Kali is the only person I have 9 archive logs for her main account… and 3 for her work account…. With everyone else it has never exceeded 1 yet…..
    So you see how much we have been chatting since July 2006….. lol…. I soon got a web cam… and now we can see each other when we chat….

    In addition to that... We write each other emails… I write them almost on a daily basis… but her morning emails have become my coffee… I can’t function right if I don’t have an email from her to read in the morning…. We where addicted to each other…..

    Soon… we started to be more expressive… we talked about feelings… and we found out how very much alike we where… and slowly but surly … we started feeling the love we had for each other grow… and evolve… it was amazing… we both thought the other was a nut to love the other without having even met face to face… but it was real… we have love… real love…
    I had similar but different feelings for my lady unicorn… and for the first time… I was not afraid to tell someone else that I love that intensely about another person that I also love…
    Soon my lady Kali and my lady unicorn where exchanging emails… and plotting behind my back… the two of them found a unique mental and emotional unity and bond that still impresses me to this day.

    Love is the word… love is the universe…. And for the first time in a long while I felt my unity with the universe… because of this love… it re-vitalized me… it gave me my “sanity” back… it also gave me my insanity back… and I was once again the SpiralDragon… reborn to the universe….
    Then something happened… Kali and I decided that we loved each other so much that it made sense for us to live together… and to be married…. Which up to that point we both thought was something either of us would never do again…. (both of us had failed marriages) yet here we where… planning our marriage….

    Sigh… we made this decision sometime after the war in Lebanon… note this well… the war in Lebanon has an unexpected role to play later on….
    Days.. weeks and month rolled by… and like I said… my lady Kali and my lady Unicorn where plotting behind my back.. and my birthday was coming up…. However.. something went wrong… and what ever they where plotting did not work… the idea was for Kali to come and visit me in Dubai on my birthday…. She could not do that at the time… but she and Unicorn did not stop plotting… my lady unicorn who had to move up to Abu Dhabi to work in a company that she hated just because she had to make the sacrifice for her family…. The company would not have hired her siblings had she not taken the job….. so for the family … she made yet another sacrifice…. And was miserably and un happy… the reason I mention this now is because my lady unicorn had no time for herself anymore…. Let alone for a love struck idiot like me who enjoyed spending time with her…. Her new job was very demanding…. It was a 10hour shift… sometimes more…. And only Fridays where off for her… and sometimes she did not even have a Friday off… and no… they were paying here peanuts… and overtime pay was out of the question…..

    However… somehow… my lady unicorn… found a way to spend the day with me… simply because my lady kali asked her too since she could not make it here….
    How does one define love…. Recently I can do that no more… love cannot be defined or quantified.. nor can it be measured or weighed….

    Love is just love….


    Things, from December 2006 and on, started to go from bad to worse…

    The first major thing that happened was on Christmas… I went to Abu Dhabi to spend the evening there with her and her family… I generally do not go to parties… and at this party specifically.. I felt like the odd one out… my lady unicorn could not stay and chat with me cause she had her family duties and her uncle was there and she kind of fears him…
    So I drank.. and drank… and drank till I got drunk… and then her uncle starts a loaded conversation with me… while drunk… he sais something to the effect that women need their necks to be stepped on to put them in their rightful place… and that’s when I finally blue up and started shouting at him… (I am very pro-feminist) somewhere in the argument… the subject of my lady unicorn came up… and I told her uncle to back away and leave her alone … and to let her follow her dreams rather than have to sacrifice… the uncle got confused.. obviously he did not see how he was hampering her… and he got defensive… however… I was so drunk that I eventually blacked out… and I was told I had a seizure of some sorts… all I remember is waking up with a massive head ache and no one would tell me what happened… when my lady unicorn angrily explained to me what happened .. I was devastated … I hurt her feelings… I insulted her uncle and family right smack in the middle of their house… she only told me half the story because she only came in to the argument half way through and all she saw was me being prissy and aggressive at her uncle… her brother though… when he woke up… revealed the whole story.. And when she found out what had happened… she changed her tone to a more relaxed and forgiving one… however the damage was done… and I could not forgive myself….

    So I left… and I did not talk to her again out of shame… and she left me alone…. My lady kali was there for me… she helped me recover from my depression… and slowly I did recover…. Very slowly….

    At that point my lady kali and I decided that I should make a visit to Canada to see her… when my annual leave came up.. I prepared all the papers… I got all the things that were required for a visit visa and sent in my application…..

    It was January 2007… but I think the count down started in December… and you where all asking about that.. :P lol….
    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


    • #3
      In January 2007… my sister came to Dubai…. In the hope that she may convince her dad to cough up some money for her education…. Things were going well.. for the first time in 11 years dad finally seemed to show some signs of caring for his daughter again….
      Boy where we wrong…

      His answer to that was expected… “Sory.. I don’t have any money… I can’t afford it”

      So in came plan B… my sis would live at his place while she found work… and from her salary she would save money for her education….
      The answer there was unexpected… “sorry.. you can’t live with us… your life style is not in accordance with ours… and I cant handle adding to our living expenses.. And there is no room for you here… see if your brother will take you in”

      Wonderful dad don’t you think?

      I have been taking care of my sister for the last 11 years, because he abandoned her. My sis has gone through hell all these years…
      Thing about my dad… believe it or not... he is jealous of me… and he is very competitive of me… that’s on the one hand… and on the other hand I am not the son he wished for… I am nothing like him… even his wife stated that… her words where “you are a lot more of gentleman than your dad”
      I will give you examples of how jealous my dad is of me.
      1. A year after I told him I graduated and got my BA he got his own BA (yes he was a collage dropout) he got his through online studies.
      2. One day he was visiting us in Beirut… he saw that I had a PDA phone… low and behold a few weeks later he has one of his own.. same thing when he saw my Bluetooth ear piece year later… (he doesn’t use it btw)
      3. The first thing he commented when he saw my current contract was “your salary is a lot more than mine” and he immediately started working on getting a better salary.
      Another thing… my dad total does not get me… I am an enigma to him… he tried his best every time I saw him to pick a fight with me… he failed on every account… he just doesn’t get that I don’t care what he says… and that he can’t really piss me off.. and of course that I would not give him the pleasure….

      Heh.. to top that off.. my dad is one of those “I am always right and I know it all” type of people…. Usually I just let him ramble on… but on occasion I just prove him wrong and show him how little he knows… like the time I fixed his laptop…. It was a simple IE add-on issue conflicting with something else and had to be turned off… he was going to format the whole thing just to fix it… and I fixed it for him in 2 min… … oh.. did I mention my dad is a software engineer?

      So you see in reality… my dad’s move to screw my sister over was more of a move to screw me over… especially financially…. And especially because he was looking for a way to stop me from going to Canada and getting married to a “perfect stranger” … in his mind… I was making a mistake.
      Well…. We had a “family meeting” and he realy tried to provoke me… and this is where I put on my dragon identity and showed him what a miserable old man he was… made sure he got the fact that he was abandoning his daughter again… and that I belive he will do the same to his younger daughter… and that he is petty… he kept asking me if I could manage my sisters stay financially and kept on suggesting I take a loan.. ha…. I said “I can take care of my sister… and I can even manage to do that without going in to dept… and I do not need a loan… I can do all that for my sister and still retain my savings”
      So my sister moved in with me…. And I took on all her financial responsibilities….. and I have survived… she has now found a job and is doing well…

      At around the same time my application for a visit visa to Canada was rejected…. That was about the last straw for me…
      The agent that was handling my application was one rude person…. She had the nerve to call both kali and ouss in Canada some time past midnight to ask them all sorts of intrusive questions… like ouss, are you pregnant… is he paying you alimony… etc… she was surprised that Kali and Ouss had met before… it confused the hell out of her…
      I gave in all the proof nessecery to prove that I am financially sound… no dept… good savings plan.. good paying job.. etc.. yet the agent decided that I was going there to Canada to stay… the fact that I mentioned that I could be in Canada right now had I not gotten my divorce eluded her… I mean WTF…. Remember I said earlier that I did not go along with ouss’ offer because I thought it would not be honest of me to do so?... if I wanted to go and stay in Canada I would have applied for immigration… not for a visit ****ing visa….
      Apparently I figured out that I am not the only Lebanese who’s visa was rejected…. It seemed like there was a campaign against the Lebanese going on there… on the one hand I do not blame them…. Because of what happened back in august… when the Canadian govt evacuated so many Canadians only to discover that they where Lebanese-Canadians living in Lebanon and not in Canada while still benefiting from Canada… and on the other hand… the way that my application was rejected made me feel discriminated against… I mean… I am positive that the agent did not do a throw job… she just looked at my file… saw that I was a single male Lebanese and rejected my application….. nothing else seemed to mater… I was pretty pissed… and then pretty depressed……

      My lady Kali was just as upset… the whole world seemed to go black…. I no longer wanted to go to work… I just wanted to quit my job and go back and sulk in leb…. I was pretty miserable….

      But then something unexpected happened….
      My Lady Kali booked herself a plane ticket reduced the 11,000 KM that separated us down to 0KM…
      yes… my love realized that I could not go to her so she came to me….
      Something in the universe must have shifted… the moment I saw her walk out from her home door… (she had her web cam on for me) the moment she picked up her bags and exited.. the universe seemed to gasp with disbelief… the screams where silenced… and I felt peace begging to approach.
      21st February 2007.
      I left work early and headed to the airport… I almost got lost cause they changed the roads again… but I was there way befor time… and I sat there waiting anxiously… when her plain landed I started getting more nervous… I was afraid that we would miss each other… I waited… groups of people started coming out.. and then I spotted her and she saw me…
      I stood there stupefied… with a pink camel… yes.. a pink camel… well… not a real one.. a stuffed one that is… lol… it have been a joke between us that when I come to Canada she will recognize me cause I will be the one with the camel…. lol… so I just had to meet her at the airport with a pink camel… you know.. instead of a pink Cadillac….

      Our first union was extraordinary… and the two weeks that followed have so far been the best days of my life…. we got to discover each other… but in person this time… she is as I have imagined her to be… only not as tall as I thought her to be… because of her I got to know Dubai more and more… we drove around a lot… and we went on walks very often… it seemed like all the powers that where conspiring against us had been subdued…. We got lost in sharja… we passed by the gold souk but missed it cause it was mislabeled… but we got to it eventually and I got myself my first parking ticket…. And life was great…

      Then I get a call from my Lady Unicorn… she had just submitted her resignation at her crapy job and has gone off looking for a freelance job in production… so she was free… we met on two occasions… and my two ladies clicked instantly… we went to the beach together… we had fun… and I now have a very nice collection of pictures of my 2 favorite ladies at the beach with me… and me at the beach is something very rare.. like years apart rare

      Sadly the two weeks did not seem long enough for me… I wish my lady kali could have stayed more.. but alas she had to go…. Saying goodbye to her at the airport was not an easy thing for me to do… nor was it for her… we had clicked… there was intense chemistry between us… we had bonded… the kind of bond that cant be broken so easily… and for the moment we where saying parting…..

      But not for long…
      We have decided that yes… we do wish to be married… and we will do so this June… either in Cyprus or In Lebanon …. Present at the wedding will be My lady unicorn… my mom.. and my gay best friend…
      What happens from then on… I cannot tell yet… but I have a feeling that we are going to be happy…
      There is a lot more to say… there is a lot more yet to happen… there is a lot that I have left out… but for now this update will have to do….

      Honesty above all else.. love is honest. There is no greater word than love…

      The Dragon is now traveling across the LoveSpiral…. And this time he is not alone…
      In the end, no matter what LLC wants to believe.. He is responsible to a degree for our togetherness
      He introduced us, he told Kali that she had to find a way to get me to Canada, and he had a fight with her… a fight that incited me to want to talk to her… and things just developed from there… and now we are getting married….

      "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


      • #4
        Thank you pussy cat… you are the one who made this all happen.

        Oh and I never mentioned but Kali has been a Matrox employee for 15 yeras now..

        "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


        • #5
          i believe you still don't have enough information to make a judgment on me.

          and that last bit was un-necessary.
          Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
          Asus Striker ][
          8GB Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800 (4x2GB)
          Asus EN8800GT 512MB x2(SLI)

          I am C4tX0r, hear me mew!


          • #6
            That was a... Long but strange, funny and special story!

            Thanks for sharing.

            Now Ill return to the job of explaining to a 19yo why the world doesnt end just because her relationship did.

            Life isnt fair per see. - But it will even out over time.



            • #7
              SD, imho, you should have made a screenplay of these events and sold it to Hollywood....8D

              rather than spill your rather interesting tale here on the boards....
              Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


              • #8

                HULK SMASH BRAIN!




                The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                I'm the least you could do
                If only life were as easy as you
                I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                If only life were as easy as you
                I would still get screwed


                • #9
                  This place is becoming a regular soap-opera!

                  If you tie the knot in Cyprus, perhaps our friend Mr. Ellis can attend and shoot some pix.

                  Congratulations on having a crazier love-life than mine! Hell, congratulations, period!



                  • #10
                    Cliff notes? LOL
                    Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by GT98 View Post
                      Cliff notes? LOL
                      I opened this up at 11:30 last night and thought the same thing.
                      Still not read it.
                      Juu nin to iro

                      English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by GT98 View Post
                        Cliff notes? LOL

                        That was the cliff notes for 10 years.

                        Way to go SD!! Enjoy the lovesprial and don't ever get off.


                        • #13
                          Cliff notes: SD has complicated family, complicated life, complicated love life.

                          Future Addendum: Cat best man to Dragon as Kali sacrificed by 75yr-old enviro-nut in Cypriot wedding.


                          • #14
                            Only if he has droit de seigneur!
                            Brian (the devil incarnate)


                            • #15
                              LOL...I'm not going there!

