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SWIII Spoiler & Conversation thread

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  • SWIII Spoiler & Conversation thread

    ok, I've been waiting for someone to start one of these threads and decided to just go ahead and do one for myself.

    Here are my questions:

    - why was General Grievous sick or injured? He seemed quite well throughout the clone wars cartoon series.
    - was Grievous's condition what allowed Obi-Wan to beat him? In the clone wars cartoons Grievous took on like 4 or 5 Jedi without blinking. Was Obi-Wan supposed to be so much better then all of them or was Grievous in a weakened state?
    - we find out in the fight between Grievous and Obi-Wan that Grievous was part human (kind of a precursor to Darth Vader), was Grievous someone from the the story that we already know? Like maybe Jango Fet? Or Darth Maul?
    -why was Yoda the only Jedi to notice the disturbance in the force when the jedi were being killed? Seems like they shouldn't have been taken down so easily.
    -Why did Palpatine become disfigured when he was fighting Samuel Jackson?
    -Did anyone else flash on the Kahuna burger scene from Pulp fiction when Samuel Jackson was trying to arrest Palpatine?
    -why didn't Anakin reject the dark side after he was told that Padme was dead? He only joined the dark side to try to save her.
    -what did Yoda say to Obi-Wan about Qui-Gon-Jin?
    -what was the conversation about at the end when C3P0 was talking to R2D2 and it ended with C3P0 saying "oh dear"? I think it had something to do with where they were going.
    -Doesn't it seem dumb that Obi-Wan didn't ensure that Vader was dead at the end? Wouldn't he have felt a shift in the force when Vader actually died? Seems like Obi-Wan was short sighted in that respect.
    P.S. You've been Spanked!

  • #2
    Originally posted by schmosef
    ok, I've been waiting for someone to start one of these threads and decided to just go ahead and do one for myself.

    Here are my questions:

    - why was General Grievous sick or injured? He seemed quite well throughout the clone wars cartoon series.
    Except that in the last episode Mace Windu force-crushes Grievous's chest as he gets away.
    Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


    • #3
      I must have missed that. I'll have to rewatch the episode.

      More questions:
      - Did Obi-Wan know ahead of time about Anakin and Padme?
      - Why did Obi-Wan go to see Padme when he was worried about Anakin? They didn't show it, Padme mentioned it after Anakin asked if Obi-Wan had been there.
      - How would it be possible for Anakin to deceive the Jedi about his marriage to Padme? Wouldn't they sense it? They always tell him that they can sense his thoughts.

      - It would have been cooler if Darth's helmet had opaque eye pieces and he had to use the force to see and move.
      P.S. You've been Spanked!


      • #4
        One more:
        - do women from Naboo gestate more quickly?
        P.S. You've been Spanked!


        • #5
          what was the conversation about at the end when C3P0 was talking to R2D2 and it ended with C3P0 saying "oh dear"? I think it had something to do with where they were going.
          His memory is to be wiped. The stupid thing here is C3P0 must get his memory wiped but not R2D2?

          -Did anyone else flash on the Kahuna burger scene from Pulp fiction when Samuel Jackson was trying to arrest Palpatine?
          I did not.

          -Why did Palpatine become disfigured when he was fighting Samuel Jackson?
          Best guess would be to tie this trilogy to the original. Not sure though.

          As far as the making sure Anakin was dead. I agree with you it was dumb. For one if the Jedi are as good as we are to believe they are then it seems Obi woulda done the merciful thing and kill him quick. Another thing is my little green friend told Obi that they must destroy this Sith. How can one do that when you leave the Sith alive?

          But hey, this is a Lucas production so it is not supposed to be good.

          -what did Yoda say to Obi-Wan about Qui-Gon-Jin?
          Something about him becoming immortal so now Obi-Wan can talk to him.
          Flangor Strongaxe

          Get Firefox


          • #6
            I think Qui-Gon learned how to be a ghostly blue thing like in episode 5 & 6 that Obi-Wan and yoda were able to do.
            Go Bunny GO!

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            • #7
              Here's something I don't get... It's not really something that can be explained. More like an observation of a plot hole:

              Jedi are not supposed to get married and have kids. Personal attachments are verbotten to them. Yet Anakin does both and his kid Luke is so strong with the force that he becomes a Jedi with practically no training.

              If strength in the force could be inheritied, why did they not allow themselves to have kids? You'd think that they'd find a way (like immediately giving their kids up for adoption) to make it work.
              Last edited by schmosef; 23 May 2005, 16:21.
              P.S. You've been Spanked!


              • #8

                I think you answered yourself there. For Jedi to create such attachements (spouse, children, etc) who are unprepared for what these attachements also bring (complications and understanding them, without walking the path of the Dark Side), will likely cause most of them to fall foul to the Dark Side and cause more problems than keeping the peace.

                Jedi aren't good. They're keepers of the peace. Neutral.

                That's my opinion anyway.



                • #9
                  One more:
                  - do women from Naboo gestate more quickly?
                  The mitochon... err, midichlorians really speed the process up I guess.

                  BTW, it wasn't an immaculate conception: Qui-Gon mentions that he suspected Anikin may have been concieved by the midichlorians themselves... She got knocked up by some endocellular parasites, EWW!


                  • #10

                    I wonder if she enjoyed it!
                    P.S. You've been Spanked!


                    • #11
                      I got a good one.

                      In Episode 6 Leah says she barely knew her mother, she died when she was very young. yet obviously she died after birth.
                      Titanium is the new bling!
                      (you heard from me first!)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by schmosef
                        ok, I've been waiting for someone to start one of these threads and decided to just go ahead and do one for myself.

                        Here are my questions:

                        -why didn't Anakin reject the dark side after he was told that Padme was dead? He only joined the dark side to try to save her.
                        As Yoda pointed out many times:
                        Pain leads to suffering and sufferring leads to the dark side.
                        Titanium is the new bling!
                        (you heard from me first!)


                        • #13
                          Leah was talking about her adoptive mother. And she probably didn't know that she was adopted either.
                          P.S. You've been Spanked!


                          • #14
                            I with that they would have showed Vader fighting in costume a little bit. I've heard that Lucas plans to expand on the story between ep3 and ep4 (tv shows or cartoons or something) so I guess there'll be plenty of opportunity for that.
                            P.S. You've been Spanked!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by schmosef
                              Leah was talking about her adoptive mother. And she probably didn't know that she was adopted either.
                              Or maybe was shown pictures? I doubt it.

                              Anyways, makes sense.
                              Titanium is the new bling!
                              (you heard from me first!)

