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I've had enugh

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  • I've had enugh

    i cant take this any more.... crpy job... crapy place... crapy boss... crapy salery... i am going to hand in my resignation very soon...
    1. the boss aplies to mutch pressure on me
    2. the boss is overly exssecivly paranoied.. things dont get doen beacuse of her paranoia and her constent standing in the way of things that can be done in far less time than they take... and then its my fault things are running slow as i am "the one wasting time" and its my fault when a things get overlooked as i am the "one taking mater in my own hands (yeh right)"
    4. most of the time i just sit there twidling my thumbs as there is nothing to do
    5. working hours are not fixed,, i have to be on alert 24/7... so i cant do anything else..
    The boss is messy and she wants it that way but its my fault that the entier ofice is messy.... although i have managed to improve things in a way that we can find what we want instently...
    6. she keeps complaining that we have too mutch redundancy... allthough she is the one who makes me photocopy 2x befor she signes them.. 2xbefor the VP signes them.. 2xafter the VP sugnes them...
    7. the work area is a health hazourd... nunderground... no proper air flow.. and we had a fier here recently so imagin the smell... oh and they still havent instaled any sort of fire prevention, supretion or detecion...
    8. the entier uni is crap... it is run by people who dont know what they are doing and who excpect to be treated like lords... even the lowest of the ranks...
    9. not even the combination of xanax, codien, and wine are calming my nerves enugh any more....
    10. lousy salary of $6/hr and no over time even when i do put it in.

    i have more reasons.... but i think you all get the picture

    so... i will either hand in my resignation or blow up and quit on the spot... the later sounds more apealing though unprofetional and uncaractaristic of me.
    "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"

  • #2
    Could be worse, SD. I've met thousands who think they are lucky when they get $1-2/DAY, not hour! Wait until you are ready to leave for Canada, then hand in a written resignation in style, listing your complaints, with a copy to the supreme bossman. Better wait for your written reference first, though
    Brian (the devil incarnate)


    • #3
      dont need a referance from this place... can get my referances from 4 production houses based on my reputation alone.... and then the amount of help and qulity of work i've given them... plus i can always get a recleter from the chairman of this department...

      i know i am luckier than others when it comes to pay... even by lebanese standards... but there are 2 reasons why i havent quit yet..
      1. my boss although she is imposible to work with she is also a great person and i have stayed just beacuse of her... i am also the only one with suficant pasiance to tolerate her antics...
      2. since it is a "stable" it dosent make sense for me to go looking for another job...

      but my nerves are beyond fried.... i am becoming very volitile, agresive and violent... this is not my nature...
      OTH deprssion and moodiness is in my nature... but i have never been this agressive my entier life.....

      i dont like this change in me... i dont want it... but it is being forced on me...

      pluse there are all the other reasons i mentioned above... i am tiered... i am sick of all the medications i am taking.... i am sick of being blamed for what is not my doing all the time....
      "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


      • #4
        think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts


        • #5
          ROFL... thanx lizzz.... .......... ROFLMAO
          "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


          • #6
            Re: I've had enugh

            Originally posted by SpiralDragon
            ...i will either hand in my resignation or blow up ...
            Cool, is that what happens when a dragon keeps his mouth closed as he breathes fire? j/k, hope things get better.
            --Insert something here--


            • #7
              Bathe in the powers of Harmony Bunny and her happy stickers!


              • #8
                HEEE HEEE...... thanx guys... i am cheared up again and calmed down..... .... plus i got to earase some one from virtual existance on a video clip to be aird on TV tomorow night.... guy walks in to the sea... camera guy switches camera off befor the man in the see walks off frame.... solution ... erase the man from the sea... disolve it in.... and voila.... just drowned/erased a man..... all in 15min
                "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


                • #9
                  Sounds like she needs to get laid and you need to...

                  think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts

                  (psst, thanks Liz for typing all that out
                  "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                  "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                  • #10
                    I know.. fix her up with some guy with an STD.. she gets laid and you get even.

