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George Formby...Reinstalling Windows!

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  • George Formby...Reinstalling Windows!

    Grab a banjo, put on a silly Lancashire accent,
    then sing along to this..

    I bought a new computer,
    It cost two thousand pound;
    But every time I switch it on
    It keeps on falling down.

    I used to think it was my friend
    Now it drives me round the bend;
    You'd be surprised the time I spend
    Reinstalling Windows.

    I switch it on but what is this?
    There's something wrong with CONFIG.SYS?
    This isn't my idea of bliss,
    Reinstalling Windows.

    I want to share my printers and
    I want to share my files,
    I want to share my anger 'cos
    It drives me bloomin' wild.

    Re-boot a-gain and what is that?
    I've gone and lost my SYSTEM.DAT?
    Would you ever credit that?
    Reinstalling Windows.

    Load disk four, oh what fun!
    It says it helps you get things done;
    Every day now everyone's
    Reinstalling Windows.

    Load disk ten and it will say
    All you do is plug and play
    So why do I spend every day
    Reinstalling Windows?

    It can't locate my printer
    And it can't locate my mouse;
    The other day it told me
    They were in Bill Gates's house.

    Still unplugged, still unplayed,
    I've E-mailed God in search of aid
    He's far too busy he's afraid
    Rein-stalling Windows.

    Up at dawn for one more try;
    Does it work? Can pigs fly?
    How do I expect to die?
    Reinstalling Windows.

    I used to like a drink or three;
    No time now, don't call for me;
    I'm going to spend eternity
    Reinstalling Windows.

    It doesn't like my modem and
    Detests all CDROMs;
    let's see if Setup Wizard
    Recognizes bombs.

    I used to like a drink or three;
    No time now, don't call for me;
    I'm going to spend eternity
    Reinstalling Windows.

  • #2
    I'll bet the US, Continental nor even the young UK contingents will not appreciate this amusing lyric.

    George Formby was a rather camp Lancashire singing comic with a squawky voice, noted for rather risqué songs on stage, somewhat cleaned up for the radio. He always accompanied himself on the banjo or the ukulele. He was quite popular in the 1930s. One of his most popular hits was called "When I'm cleaning windows" and describes what he saw when window-cleaning a hotel. If you Google "Formby cleaning windows" you'll get the lyrics and maybe an excerpt if you hunt hard.
    Brian (the devil incarnate)


    • #3
      George Formby was one of my boy-hood heroes (despite my age)... probably just because he was called George like me though
      DM says: Crunch with Matrox


      • #4
        Okay Fat Tone when are you releasing it???
        Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
        Weather nut and sad git.

        My Weather Page

