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What do you think of David Blaine?

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  • What do you think of David Blaine?

    For those of you that don't know of him, he is a magician that also performs endurance tests. His latest endurance test is to sit in a box for 44 days without food.

    I personally find him inspirational even if some of his tests might have some sort of trickery behind the scenes. Just curious what others thought of him?

    Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

  • #2
    He's... interesting. Some of his "magic" is pretty obvious, and some of it is blatantly stolen from Houdini. But some of it is cool, and his whole "street" style is interesting. David Copperfield did some street magic 10+ years ago and I thought it was the most interesting stuff he ever did.

    I give Blaine a good deal of credit for being willing to do some serious slight-of-hand with observers on all sides. THAT takes balls. Much harder than sitting on a stage, with an audience on only one side, and making elephants disappear.

    - Gurm
    The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

    I'm the least you could do
    If only life were as easy as you
    I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
    If only life were as easy as you
    I would still get screwed


    • #3
      me thinks that he's not all there!


      • #4
        Saw him on TV a while back, he's alright but most of his tricks are pretty easy to do. He was cool about a year ago but now he's pretty much through, unless he comes up with soemthing new and cool.
        Titanium is the new bling!
        (you heard from me first!)


        • #5
          I'd like to see him sit in a form and be completely submerged in concrete for 180 days without food or water. If he's still alive when they jackhammer him out, that will be a neat trick. (After that, though, they need to try silver bullets or a stake through the heart. )


          • #6
            Well, he emerged from his 44 day prison today. Here is what one reporter had to say...

            Blaine wept as the box touched the ground and, despite intermittent smiles seemed tired and emotional. His relief at completing his challenge was palpable.

            As the door to the box opened, Blaine wept uncontrollably.

            His first words were, "This has been one of the most important experiences of my life". He then broke down again.

            Supported by members of his team, Blaine then addressed the crowd. "I've learned more in that little box than I have in years. I learned how important it is to have a sense of humour and to laugh at everything because nothing makes any sense anyway".

            "I've learned how strong we all are as human beings. How strong we all are.

            "But most importantly I've learned to appreciate all the simple things in life - a sunrise, a sunset, a smile from a strange one, a smile from a loved one and I thank you all so much. I love you all so much. I love you".

            Blaine then mounted the scales to discover that he now weighs 11 stones, 1oz. This represents a loss of some four stones.

            Paramedics awaited the box as it descended to the ground. After the weigh in, Blaine was put on a stretcher while undergoing initial medical tests.

            Blaine was then taken by ambulance to hospital, where he will discover whether the feat has caused any lasting damage to his body and undergo medically supervised re-feeding.
            Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


            • #7
              btw, how much is a 'stone'?

              Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


              • #8
                Re: What do you think of David Blaine?

                Originally posted by Helevitia
                For those of you that don't know of him, he is a magician that also performs endurance tests. His latest endurance test is to sit in a box for 44 days without food.

                I personally find him inspirational even if some of his tests might have some sort of trickery behind the scenes. Just curious what others thought of him?

                That is not magic, that is called the art of Yoga, the ability to lower your heart rate, control the breathing, which lowers the body heat as well as the need for food.

                Nothing new there, however 44 day is quite impressive.



                • #9
                  didn't you notice that I called it an endurance test
                  Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                  • #10
                    So how did he go to the bathroom while he was up there without making some sort of obscene spectacle of himself?


                    • #11

                      I think the stunt was sponsored by Pampers Easy Ups ("I'm a big boy now!")
                      P.S. You've been Spanked!


                      • #12
                        One Stone = 'prox' 14 pounds (6.35 KG).

                        I liked Blaine better when he was a street magician. Now he's just gotten gimmicky.



                        • #13
                          Hehe! Or Depends!

                          I think this guy is good! Like some of you said, some of his magic is very easy to do (I do some and know a couple of his tricks). But I'm far from his level. He is very fast and agile with his hands on some card tricks. Thaugh there are a lot of people as good as him but like Gurm said earlier, he has the balls, what most don't have, to do it in the streets with people all around, what makes it look even better. Short, this is good entertainment, "but not sensational". hehe!

                          Why SysAdmins like Unix?
                          unzip, strip, touch, finger, grep, mount, fsck, more, yes, fsck, fsck, fsck, umount, sleep.


                          • #14
                            If you ever need a unit conversion, remember google does that now.

                            1 stone in lbs
                            4 stone in lbs
                            Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox


                            • #15
                              Of course during this stint he got abuse and stones thrown at him by some of more idiotic scum that lives in this country.
                              Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                              Weather nut and sad git.

                              My Weather Page

