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UMC to start 90nm wafer test production

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  • UMC to start 90nm wafer test production

    UMC to start 90nm wafer test production in 3Q Samson Yu, Taipei; Tsering Namgyal, United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), the world’s second-largest made-to-order chipmaker, will begin 90nm test production in the third quarter, according to company vice chairman Peter Chang. UMC chairman Robert Tsao told local media during the Chinese New Year holidays that the company will continue to strengthen its relations with key customers and follow what local media have started to call a “strategic virtual IDM model.” Chang made the statement at a technology conferen

    just wondering if this may help the parhelia (1,2,or3). i think it's been said here that umc doesn't manufacture the core but just packages it .

    more wishfull thinking!
    another dawg basking in the sun

    iwill xp333-r, xp2500@ 340ddr :need better ram

  • #2
    Re: UMC to start 90nm wafer test production

    Originally posted by cal
    more wishfull thinking!
    Indeed. However, Intel who has best manufacturing capabilities in the world is only implementing 90nm process at the end of the year with their Prescott core.

    AMD will go 90nm in first half 04.

    While Northwoods came out on 130nm process at beginning of 2002, it took graphic manufacturers untill March/April (16 months) this year to put 130nm cards on the market (GeForce FX, Radeon 9200).

    Don't expect 90nm Graphic cores untill end of 2004/ early 2005 from the likes of UMC or TSMC.


    • #3
      If they don't run into too much trouble I think it might be earlier. Probably around end of 1Q2004. (Wishful thinking: right on time for PiII introduction)...

