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Output with RRg and Huffyuy

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  • Output with RRg and Huffyuy

    I read many things in this forum.
    I'm a beginner in video editing.
    So I have many questions ... and I found many answers in this wonderfull forum. But there is a thing I don't find...
    When we capture (Svideo quality) in YUV2 mode with the Huffyuy codec with virtualDub e.g., after Adobe Premiere or Ulead editing software, how can we output the final video with effects and titles. I have a RRg with a Mystic 220 (Output Svideo)
    Many thanks in advance for your help.
    - Asterix.

  • #2
    Several of my systems use Marvel G400's so the dualhead comes into play for this. I simply set up the Dualhead options to use DVDMax and to scale the video to fill the screen.

    Set up in this manner video files compressed with virtually any codec played in MediaPlayer, or previewed from the MSPro6 timeline, will automatically to to the TV-Out for recording. This includes the Cinepak, PICVideo MJPeg, YUY2/HuffYUV and MPEG's of any kind including DivX/MPEG-4.

    Dr. Mordrid

    [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 18 August 2000).]


    • #3
      Thx Doc.
      But I haven't a Marvel G400 but a Mystic G200 with TV output (Svideo). So is it the same ? Is the Marvel G400 better ?
      Another problem I have is when I try to capture 704x586 25Fps (PAL Hi-8 source) with VirtualDub 1.3 or 1.4 (Huffyuy 2.1), I have only 12.5 Fps at the max. I don't understand, I check many params... nothing wrong found. Then I don't know what to do. And my PC is powerfull...
      I need help. Thanks in advance.


      • #4
        I've just see that V1.54 have problem with YUY2. I'think it's the problem ?
        I check this evening.

        - Asterix

