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The UT2003 Thread

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  • The UT2003 Thread

    Hey Guys,
    I decided to create this thread to give you an update about the recent bugs discovered with the UT2003 demo on Parhelia and G400/G450/G550:

    1- For those who missed it, the instructions for UT2003 to run in Surround Gaming are up on the <a href="">Surround Gaming page</a>, if you're having problems with that let me know.
    2- The shadow on the fan not working correctly is a known issue and work on fixing it is in progress.
    3- The water not showing properly sometimes appearing or dissapearing is a known issue and work on fixing it is in progress
    4- The Asbastus level has some problems with statues or objects appearing and dissapearing in Surround Gaming. According to Epic it only happens on this map, we're still investigating on the cause and working on a fix for it.
    5- The game does not run on G400, we're working closely with Epic on resolving this with their upcoming patch, stay tuned on that.
    6- Some people are reporting FAA issues on some levels, i still haven't reproduce it on our end, but it's been looked into.
    7- The menus don't work properly in Surround Gaming, use the cursor for now, since mouse won't work properly on the menus especially when selecting resolutions. We're working with Epic on resolving this.

    That's all i have for now, if you have any other problems with UT2003 that is not mentioned here please mention it in this thread.

    "The opinions or comments expressed by me do not necessary reflect those of Matrox Graphics Inc."

  • #2
    UT 2003 Demo Patch


    • #3
      G400 - the sky is corrupt. i will make a screenshot of it.
      here are the screenshots:

      there is also another error that keeps popping up at random:

      both deathmatch level are very playable at 640x480x32 and everything at normal. i get framerates in the from low 20s to low 40s. however the bombing run is unplayable (there is also another bug here: texture flickering) i get framerates below 10. CTF is also unplayable.

      seems its time for an upgrade
      Last edited by thop; 17 September 2002, 10:21.
      no matrox, no matroxusers.


      • #4
        The corrupt sky also appears on KyroII's - so I reckon it's a software fallback thats been broken on non T&L cards.
        "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Roberts

        µße®LørÐ - A legend in his underwear
        Member of For F*ck Sake UT clan
        DriverHeaven administrator
        PowerVR Network administrator


        • #5
          The water problem is fixed on Parhelia.
          G400 now works with the new patch.
          Still investigating FAA issues been reported

          "The opinions or comments expressed by me do not necessary reflect those of Matrox Graphics Inc."


          • #6
            Originally posted by UberLord
            The corrupt sky also appears on KyroII's - so I reckon it's a software fallback thats been broken on non T&L cards.
            There was mention of banding for non T&L cards.

            btw: Well played Matrox for helping Epic get the G400 supported. Excellent work!
            Cheers, Reckless


            • #7
              I see water is fixed for that to be done via a patch or a driver update???
              Let us return to the moon, to stay!!!


              • #8
                Hopefully something to be available soon I just ordered the rest of my new computer stuff {stuff thats in my profile} and it should be here by the end of the week so I'm planning on a UT Fest this weekend!

                Shuttle SN45G, 2 x 256 Megs of Geil Golden Dragon PC3200 DDR Ram, 120 Gig Western Digital SE HD, 16x48x Liteon DVD-CDR Combo Drive, 128 Meg Retail Parhelia, nForce Soundstorm, Klipsch Promedia GMX


                • #9
                  Originally posted by K6-III
                  I see water is fixed for that to be done via a patch or a driver update???
                  ROM indicated that the fan problem was fixed in a driver update, so hopefully the next driver will contain both fixes
                  "I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." - Stephen Roberts

                  µße®LørÐ - A legend in his underwear
                  Member of For F*ck Sake UT clan
                  DriverHeaven administrator
                  PowerVR Network administrator

