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DVD capture queryon G450eTV

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  • DVD capture queryon G450eTV


    i have an external DVD player which i connect to the Marvel G450eTV through the line-in/S-VIDEO adapter. when i attempt to record i receive a message alerting me this DVD is protected by copyright technology.

    is it possible to use third-party products to achieve this? or am i just too naive?

    any suggestion comment would be appreciated.

  • #2
    You have run head-on into Macrovision, the copy protection scheme used on DVD's & videotape.

    The makers of capture devices that have DVD playback capability are largely forced to enable Macrovision in their drivers by the DVD content creators. There have been patches in the past for previous Matrox cards, but I'm unsure of the status of the eTV in this.

    I solved my Macrovision problems by disabling it in my DVD deck. This was done by burning a CD with hacked firmware which loaded into the player and made the chahges. This is a risky proposition as if you don't do it right or the firmware is bogus you can kill your deck.

    Many DVD sites are on the internet with patches for decks that accept firmware reprogramming, but not all do. You'll have to do some searching for your particular device.

    Dr. Mordrid
    Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 8 July 2001, 09:00.
    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


    • #3
      thanks... mine is a ps2

      thanks for that information. my actual external DVD is a Playstation2.

      i just thought that may have been some third-party app which somehow bypasses this macrovision protection.. alas it doesn't seem so.

      thanks for the insight though...

