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Difficulties downloading "Benchmark" files

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  • Difficulties downloading "Benchmark" files

    Dear Dragmore, & parties

    A couple of days ago I came across some very interesting "benchmark" links and, despite of their lenght, I started to download them... since I'm a poor guy and cannot afford expensive "Benchmarking programs" ;-)

    I've spent a lot of time downloading from the page you posted in the forum ("The public site"), and I succeded in downloading most of them...

    unfortunately, some (7) links don't allow the "Anonymous Login" and continuously give me an error... they are:

    "Benchmark 23"...all through..."Benchmark 29"

    they contain "ulms60.r21" to "ulms60.r27"

    I already spent money downloaded the other files, and I don't want to stop now...

    would you be so kind as to advice me about some alternative download site???

    I'll be much grateful indeed!

    Let me know if I can help in any way!

    Long live Matrox Marvel!

    Pippo "Joe Daring", Italy

  • #2

    Write off your investment as experience. Do you REALLY want pirated software? Go to your local Ulead dealer and buy the real thing. It is not expensive for what you get and this would include support.

    If you DO wish to use pirated software, this is between you, your conscience and the police (yes, it is a criminal offence) but remember
    a) don't come whingeing when you need support
    and b) the lost revenue by the authors means so much less resources for future development so you are not just cutting off your nose to spite your face, you spite the honest guys' faces as well.

    AND I live in a country where 95% of the software used is pirated, but I pay thousands a year for the genuine article (I even have three separate WIN98 licences for my three computers here, even though only one packet has been opened). This is not because I relish adding to Bill Gates' fortune, but because it is the correct thing to do -- and I'm poor too as I live on state retirement pensions.

    Brian (the terrible)

    [This message has been edited by Brian Ellis (edited 05 March 2000).]
    Brian (the devil incarnate)


    • #3
      I understand where you're coming from with regard to pirated software but do you really have to go out of your way to convince everyone else of your position? If they want it, let them have it. If you don't like, then don't do it, but leave everyone else alone. I don't think anyone here discussing this wants to constantly here your ehical objections or the economic repurcussions on the software manufacturers of pirated software. No matter what you say, some people just don't care and don't want to hear it.

      [This message has been edited by Driver (edited 07 March 2000).]


      • #4
        Well then how about listening to Chris' (This_Idiot) repeated requests to stop posting pirated software threads and posts in this forum.
        Maybe you might want to listen!
        There are many other places for you to do so.

        Mark F.

        OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a DVD...
        and burped out a movie

        Mark F. (A+, Network+, & CCNA)
        OH NO, my retractable cup holder swallowed a DVD...
        and burped out a movie


        • #5

          I won't ever condone or ignore criminal action. That's for people who live their lives in a hole, wired to their computers, letting society manage itself and hoping society won't ever reach their corner of the room. GET OUT, DRIVER, OR GET WITH THE PROGRAM.


          • #6
            Guys (or should that be Guyz).

            Listen, I'm not on a crusade here. It's a simple request, please conduct "warez" style business on a one-to-one basis that does not involve this site.

            I acknowledge that there are many reasons that lead to piracy, from the poor college kid who can't see why he should be excluded from the club to the "hardened" video play-boy who only ever uses a single product for a few months before ditching and experimenting with the next generation/product.

            Now match that against those who try desperately to find a legitimate and affordable way of entering the market - most of whom will be sticking to the product or it's upgrade routes for some years yet.

            Wouldn't it be great for me to say that I get all these packages for free so that I can review them and bring you the results ? Look at the review pages and ask me why I'm not getting on with it.

            This argument has been thrashed out for years, the "haves" say that they have too pay more for a product because of piracy, the "have nots" claiming that either a) they're doing some kind of service to the supplier or b) they'll become a legit user when they can afford it.

            My argument remains ! Every time someone posts hacks, cracks, warez or excuses at this site, it cheapens the site and lays it open to action from the software companies. How are you gonna find answers to your questions next year when the "honest" sites like this get shut down because of illegal postings ?

            I don't care about your moral status, you can look after that yourself. All that I ask is that you don't drag DTVWorld into it.

            Brian posts a very legitimate standpoint, and if "you" don't agree with it then the onus is up to "you" to address the problem, and not him. Mind you, I've heard that swearing in Switzerland can result in a nasty rash


            • #7
              For the record, I am not condoning ILLEGAL behavior. I just think that too much time has been wasted discussing something that I don't think is really going to change anyone's behavior anyway. I think it would be a better use of everyone's time to simply acknowledge and respect the fact this site does not desire to deal with pirated software and those who use it and leave the issue there. It does no one any good beating a dead horse which I feel some people are doing. That's it.

