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Turn an Ultra66 into a FastTrack66 ???

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  • Turn an Ultra66 into a FastTrack66 ???

    Since there are many people at this forum who think very highly of the Promise FastTrack, I thought I'd pass on this interesting thread from the Storage Review forum.

    What do you all think? I'd really like to hear from our German friends who can read the original material instead of dealing with the translated version.

  • #2
    I have both the Ultra 66 and the FastTrack 66, and it does appear to be exactly the same card, only with a differently programmed 36 pin EEPROM. It's possible that the EEPROM used in one has a larger capacity than the other, since I haven't peeled the labels off to see for myself. If they're the same capacity, then one could logically assume that one could flash the Ultra 66 with the FastTrack 66 bios and then have a FastTrack 66 for less money. But it would have to be someone else who spends the time to check this out, because I'd rather not risk ruining a good Ultra 66, even if it is lying idle and out of the box right now.

    If they're not the same EEPROM capacity, then you'd have to find a FastTrack 66 chip, de-solder the existing chip, and solder in the new one. Seems like a pretty extravagant and risky venture, just to save under $80 (USD). I mean, where would you get the new chip for free?


    • #3

      Jeff, it's not the money, it's the challenge!

      I tried to read the "translated" version of that site, but I can't make heads nor tails of it all.

      This is where the German speaking members of this forum could come in handy...


      • #4
        Yes, it's an instruction how to change an Ultra66 into a FastTrack66. You need to flash the FT66 BIOS and change the position of a SMD resistor located under the BIOS chip (see smd_nach.jpg on the original page).

        I don't know if it works, I just summarized it - so don't sue me if you kill your controller or warranty.


        • #5

          Yes, thanks Ingo. I'm always envious of people who can understand more than one language.

          Jeff, I just picked up an older version of a FastTrack yesterday for $50(Cdn), so the information we've been discussing is really for the benefit of other forum members. Interestingly enough, the original FastTrack looks identical to the Ultra33 controller card. An Ultra33 can be had for about $10, so it might be worth while for some curious person to try and convert it to a FastTrack the same way that an Ultra66 supposedly can be converted to a FastTrack66.


          • #6
            And what about all those people who might like to convert their FastTrack33's to Ultra33's? I'm sure that this could be done.


            • #7

              Now Jeff, you're no longer being helpful...


              • #8
                I know, Patrick... chalk it up to the fact that I posted that towards the end of the day at work; that place I go to every day, where I find my very soul being sucked away, piece by piece! This is what happens as you get older, and you just gotta have bigger and bigger toys... And even the pleasant little company that you finally settle into finds itself slowly growing and re-forming into that all too familiar beast: the corporate culture demon!

                Or, to paraphrase: sorry about that. Rough day at work.


                • #9
                  Thanks, Ingo... that answers my question about whether they're using the same capacity EEPROM.

                  Having tentatively established that the Ultra66 has the same chip, Patrick, it looks like it would be pretty easy to do this. Just download the latest bios upgrade to FastTrack66, flash the Ultra66 bios with it... Hmmmmm. Now I wonder if it will look for an earlier version of the FastTrack66, sitting on the bus...

                  That could be a problem, eh?


                  • #10
                    Hi freaks,

                    I have changed my Promise Ultra66 controller to a FastTrack66 by following the instructions mentioned above and it works.

                    Thanks for the info.

                    Bye, Uwe.


                    • #11

                      Uwe, I'm glad the information I brought forward was worth while for you. How about returning the favour now?

                      Those of us who can't read German would really appreciate it if you could properly translate steps 7-10 and then post it here. (It's the least you could do after calling us "freaks"! ) The computer translated English version of the site listed above is unfortunately incomprehensible to most of us.


                      • #12
                        Hi Patrick,

                        OK, I will try to explain it:

                        First the BIOS, Drivers and manual should be downloaded for the FastTrack66 from

                        The next step is to flash the FastTrack66 Bios with it´s flashing utility to the Ultra66 controller.

                        Then the card has to be removed from the computer and the Bios-chip (2*16 pins, Flash-Rom) must be desoldered carefully without damaging the chip and the board.

                        After that a SMD-Resistor at position R10 can be seen. This Resistor must be desoldered from position R10 and must be soldered at position R9.

                        Now the BIOS-chip or better a socket for the Bios-Chip should be soldered at the board.

                        Now the controller is changed to a FastTrack66.

                        Happy Soldering !



                        • #13

                          It certainly sounds simple enough. I guess the most difficult part is the de-soldering and re-soldering of such tiny components.

                          Thanks Uwe.


                          • #14
                            Going to try this procedure (just for the challenge of it actually). Could you recommend some tools and procedures for those of us who have soldered before, just never with such small components. Any websites have info about this?



                            • #15
                              Hi John !

                              Here you can see everything that I have used for the soldering:

                              Unfortunately I don´t have special hints for the soldering, but before you start damaging your controller you should get some practice with SM-devices by desoldering/resoldering them.
                              I´m sure you have some old ATI-graphics card at home and believe me this is the perfect training board !!!

                              Bye, Uwe.

