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How to completely remove PD5.50?

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  • How to completely remove PD5.50?

    In order to avoid the "getting kicked back to desktop" problem with some OpenGL games, I installed PD5.30+TurboGL for a nice stable system. Bad things started to happen when I was a bit curious and installed the PD5.50 drivers to see whether the ICD is faster.

    I used the uninstaller, overwrote the 5.50 files when the setup of 5.30 asked me to, but still get problems from the PD5.50 installation.

    Is there anything else I should be doing to completely remove 5.50 from my system?

    Thanks in advance for any tips.

  • #2
    Did you reboot inbetween using the latest uninstaller and reinstalling the old drivers?

    btw, when the setup asks you for the new drivers, don't let it auto-install the latest drivers (press cancel), but instead point it to the right directory where it can get the drivers from.


    [This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 08 February 2000).]


    • #3
      Thankyou for your reply.

      Yes, I used the uninstaller, rebooted, pointed the auto-install to the W9x_530 folder, rebooted again. Problems from 550 still existed, at least for the game I play most, Quake Team Fortress.

      I somehow managed to get rid of the problem after a while though, and I think it was after I ran "setup.exe" from the W9x_530 folder.


      • #4
        Have you reinstalled the TGL (rightclick the monitor icon in the system tray, choose TurboGL Manager) if you use TGL at least?

        Running the setup.exe from the MGA-folder helps alot as well, and even reinstalling DirectX can help alot !


