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Dual head clone works but not reg. dual monitor

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  • Dual head clone works but not reg. dual monitor

    I have a G450 and now can see both monitors in dual head clone, but can't see the #2 monitor in any other mode. I can't make the #2 display come up in dual desktop. Any ideas of what to try? I have been working on this for 3 days now. System is pentium II 400Mhz, 128 MRam, 25 Gig hdd and win2000.

  • #2
    I now have it all working except that I can't seem to change the resolution of #2 monitor in win2000.


    • #3
      I don't think Win2K supports differing monitor resolutions. Your secondary monitor is always the same resolution as the primary.


      • #4
        The Lamb is VERY incorrect.

        Just download the 5.52 drivers, uninstall your current drivers, reboot, run the setup for the new drivers and check add extended dual head features in the setup, let it finish, reboot, then select use multidisplay in the DualHead tab, then select multimonitor settings in that same tab, then select use different resolutions and reboot, you should have independent displays available on reboot, you will have to select the second monitor shown in display properties and check "extend desktop to this monitor" in that same dialog box.



        • #5
          My mistake, but I'm pretty sure it was true for older driver releases, and other non-matrox multi-display cards.


          • #6
            Correct, this is a recent Matrox innovation. It started with the 5.51 drivers, and now the 5.52 drivers.

            No other mfr can do this at the moment.


