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change OpenGL settings without a reboot

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  • change OpenGL settings without a reboot

    It's theoretically possible to change the OpenGL settings in MTSTU without needing a reboot. That's why my neighbour Randy Simons wrote a program that does just that

    you can download it from my G400 site

    (it's called Unofficial Matrox OpenGL Tweak Util, as found in the files section of my site)

    It has only been tested in Win2k, so I don't know if it'll work in Win9x/ME (I guess it will). Maybe it's an idea to host it on MURC as well (Ant?) just like the DirectShow filter written by Renee Prillop, that solves the MS MPEG-4 bug regarding the use of overlay (also hosted on my site).

    [This message has been edited by dZeus (edited 22 February 2001).]

  • #2
    Now you can find v1.1 of this tool online, which also reads the registry and shows the current settings.


    • #3
      I can't download this because my virus scanner blocks it.....
      May be a false alarm but this has never happend before

      PS InoculateIT if you must know


      • #4
        I'm getting the same virus warning here too. Trend PC-cillin 98 OEM version.


        • #5
          Same thing here. There is that virus found, and I use NAV.



          • #6
            Ahhh that DARN virus..

            Well, we're very sorry about this. That FunLove virus has infected many computers here on the LAN, but not ours. The thing is, FunLove can actually search for open shares on the LAN and infects executables that are writable.

            When I completed UMOTU, I uploaded it into such a share on Frank's computer. Some other computer with that virus active came by, and *poof*, the file is infected

            Well, I can't reach Frank, the webmaster now, but here is a clean version (just checked). The file should be exactly 10240 bytes. If it is larger, the file is WRONG.

            I urge all of you who've ran the v1.1 of this tool to scan your harddisk. This isn't a very aggressive virus that destroys things, but it is a pain in the ass...

            Again, we're very sorry about this :-/

            [add on]

            Here you can download a free virusscanner which is capable of detecting that funlove-thing.

            [This message has been edited by Randy Simons (edited 02 March 2001).]


            • #7
              I've uploaded the clean version to my server now...

              hmm... I've executed the infected file quite a few times now, but fortunately nothing else was infected on my computer... pff.... I really need to find out how to disable the modify permission on linux samba shares. That should stop others from infecting my uplaod damnit


              • #8
                I wrote a tool (1.2KB) that can quickly tell whether you have FunLove or not.

                Simply extract it, and run it.

                This time, the file is checked before ZIPping it with a up-to-date virus scanner

                (the server is running on my own machine, which is offline when I'm sleeping..)

                [This message has been edited by Randy Simons (edited 02 March 2001).]


                • #9

                  just one question. I saw on your website .mpg file with Q3. How did you create them ?


                  • #10
                    I just hooked the tv output of my G400 up to a tv-capture card in a different computer. Unfortunately that capture card could only capture at quarter res. .... well better quarter res. than no capture at all.


                    • #11
                      Thx dZeus,

                      the second card you use is a all-in-wonder or a Marvel ?

                      Do you know an another way to do this.

                      Thx again


                      • #12
                        it was a tv capture card with a BT848 *cough*CRAP*cough* chipset

                        I don't think there is any way of doing this other than capturing the tv-out of the g400. It's best suited to do it with a seperate machine, because of the CPU power and HDD throughput needed for the capturing process.


                        • #13
                          Here is a method for capturing high-quality movies in q3a with only one computer. Just have LOTS of hd space ready

