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Haig (or Olliver) please gime me an answer...

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  • Haig (or Olliver) please gime me an answer...

    This topic is related to the well known bug that afflicts the Marvel G-400 and the G400+RRG combo.
    I'm talking about the bug that causes several problems:

    1. A lot of GPF in every editing program (The dll that causes the crash is RRICMEXT.DLL)

    2. Black & White frames that appear encoding the captured video in Mpeg (or every other codec)

    3. Green Flashes

    Personally my system is afflicted by the first two bugs. A trick to discover if the captured video causes this problem
    is to play the video with Windows Media Player, while PC-VCR Remote is open:
    If somewhere in the video appears a corrupted frames (strange coloured blocks) a part of the video is displayed in B/W.

    Is This bug Hardware-related ? (Italian Technical support says that it may be caused by the Power Supply, but the Computer
    Shop where I have bougth says that it's one of the better that he has)

    Or It's Software-related as Olliver stated almost two months ago?

    If it's software related when will be released a new set of Video-Tools that solves the problems? (Please don't say "Very Soon"
    because it's "Very Soon" since the beginning of December)

    Thank you in advance, and sorry for my not very good english.

    System Specs

    P2 350 not overclocked; Asus P2B (latest bios installed); 128 MB PC-100; Matrox Marvel G-400 (Pdesk 5.30 - Videotools 1.51)
    Sb-Live (Live! Ware 3.0), two 13.5 GB Ibm Djna Hard Disk, Creative 5x DVD without decoder card, Windows 98 SE.
    T-rex / Raptor
    Italian Editing Video Forum

  • #2

    The problem, as we see it, is software related.
    If you load the captured clip into Ulead you will see the affected frame (or frames) and the program will stop with the RRICMEXT.DLL error.
    As this has been reported, and new drivers are being worked on, the only thing that I can say is that the driver will be released "very soon".
    Unfortunately we can't give dates for driver releases though we are just as interested to have this release as everyone.

    All comments and statements are purely of my own opinion and in no way reflect on my employer.


    • #3
      What is "very soon". Matrox can't keep its customers in the dark like this. For me, "very soon" is a few days. "Really really soon" is LESS than a few days, yet the Matrox tech guy I talked to about 2 week ago said that they would be out "Really really soon". We're tired of this BS -- if it's going to take a few months (and Matrox HAS known about this for several months), don't lie about it. There's absolutely no reason to have driver development draped in all this secrecy - if this is the same way you guys are planning on doing your Linux drivers, good givl'ing luck.

      completely pissed off,


      • #4

        "We're tired of this BS -- if it's going to take a few months (and Matrox HAS known about this for several months), don't lie about it."

        Getting upset is not going to solve anything, try to stay cool. I haven't lied to you guys and I see no advantage in doing so. If you read my last post you will see that I said "...we are just as interested to have this release as everyone."

        All comments and statements are purely of my own opinion and in no way reflect on my employer.


        • #5
          Sorry Olliver but:

          What means "Very Soon": Days, Weeks, Months, Years?
          We don't want the exact release date, but we want to know when we can really use our cards for it's real purposes.
          Someone in the forum suggested to use Software Mjpeg-Codec while waiting for a fix. Why ? I bought the Marvel because it can do Hardware Encoding, every other card also the cheapest one with a good CPU can do Software Encoding.
          Only few days after that the problem was discovered you Olliver sayd that it "has been reproduced" at the Matrox HQ; If it's so easy to reproduce this bug, why Matrox don't discovered it in the Beta-Testing phase before to sell the cards?
          Similar thing happened at the end of the 1998: Anyone remember The Marvel-G200(fortunately i still have it!) - Sb Live Incompatibility?

          Sorry, if we appear so angry but How do you feel if you buy a good car and after some time discover that, cause a bug that will be fixed "very soon", you can only use the 1st gear?

          To Coolfish:
          There is something in common in our systems?. I ask you that, because i noticed, here in the forum, that some peoples do not have (or not even discovered) the problem that afllicts our cards.

          In the first post i forgot another little bug (but I think it's not related to RRICMEXT bug and it is not so annoying):
          4. If you capture video from a TV channel that have teletext, some strange coloured lines appeear on the top of the video, when it is played.
          T-rex / Raptor
          Italian Editing Video Forum


          • #6
            "Getting upset is not going to solve anything, try to stay cool. I haven't lied to you guys and I see no advantage in doing so. If you read my last post you will see that I said "...we are just as interested to have this release as everyone." - Olliver

            First, I, along with every other person who is experiencing these problems, HAVE a right to be upset. We chose to support Matrox by buying RR-G's, but Matrox isn't supporting us. There IS a CLEAR advantage in getting upset -- by creating bad PR for Matrox, we're forcing you guys to do something about this QUICK. This is the Internet, news spreads FAST but bad news spreads even FASTER. So, my advice to Matrox is get off your asses before your customers turn on you.

            And as for lying, well, don't start pulling a Clinton here. Matrox said the drivers would be here "Really soon". People have been experiencing these problems for over 2 months now (just do a search in these forums). Not to mention ANY sort of beta testing would have revealed these problems (what am I insinuating here? That Matrox pushed a product to market without doing thorough tests? Deny it as much as you want but it's blatant from how many people are experiencing these problems that you guys would have come upon these problems before.) Also, when I called Matrox TS and asked about this, the guy was "Gee I don't know what you are talking about." (I had to tell him about and Haig, a TS supervisor at Matrox who posted about the problem before he acknowledged that there indeed was a problem in RRICM.dll.)

            If you guys are just as interested in fixing this as we are, we would have had a solution by now. So go to your manager, tell 'em how pissed off the customers really are and where this might lead ( ? Hmm), and that Matrox better make us happy "really soon".


            p.s. t-rex - i'm running an abit bp6, celery 366's, win98se, vid tools 1.51, pd 5.30, 128mb ram, 40gigs or so of hdd space, sblive x-gamer, g400, rr-g, and a Realtek 8139 100mbit ethernet card.

            [This message has been edited by coolfish (edited 24 January 2000).]


            • #7
              Yes you all have reason to be upset. Olliver's manager is in the same boat as he is. Technical Support cannot give out any driver release dates, this includes any approxiamations. I think some of you already know the history behind this.

              All tech supp can tell our clients is that the bug has been reproduced and entered into the bug database.

              Unfortuntely, we can't say more than that.



              • #8
                coolfish, T-rex,

                "And as for lying, well, don't start pulling a Clinton here."

                Throwing accusations and name calling is something that I am not accustom to. Don't shoot the messenger!!!
                I would love to tell you when the drivers will be released but I can not simple as that.
                I do on the other hand want the driver released as soon as possible.

                All comments and statements are purely of my own opinion and in no way reflect on my employer.


                • #9
                  Haig - no, I don't know the "history" behind not releasing the status of the drivers. Not only that, it doesn't make any sense to keep it all shrowded in secrecy. It's pissing off the end-users, and is very frustrating. Why would it be that difficult to say "We are at such and such a stage in developing the drivers." All we want is the truth !!

                  Olliver - I'm not trying to shoot anyone here. Fact is, you guys are our direct connect to Matrox - maybe you could pass me on to someone who IS responsible for this mess?


                  • #10
                    Hi, sorry to barge in
                    A friend of mine is planning on buying a G400 MAX and a RRG this week to start some editing at the weekend.

                    I have heard of this bug before but never paid it much attention, but like you say. Some experience it, and others dont

                    He has an ABIT BE6 motherboard and a P3 450, SB LIVE, 256mg if any of this helps

                    Will all work well or should i steer him clear?

                    Is there a known combination of boards and bits that set of this problem????

                    I have read of peoples probs with the marvel and green flashed recently, Whereas mine was always fine unitl recently. Now i am waiting for RMA dept to get back in touch with me. But it is kinda disheartning when you have work to do... anyhow
                    is there any way of predicting whether the G$00 MAX and RRG will work together as intended... (i was kinda hoping of using it myself :O)

                    Windows XP Pro + SP1 - Pentium 4 3.1gig - 1024mg DDR 333 2 cas - Thermaltake Xaser Case - Parhelia 128 - 3x Phillips TFT Monitors - Audigy 2 Platinum - 6.1 surround speakers - RTx100 - 5 HD 7200rpm (420gig) - Pioneer A03 - Partridge in a pear tree


                    • #11
                      Coolfish and Trex

                      I think that both Olliver and Haig have tried to tell you what they can tell you.

                      If you are frequent visitors, you should know that if you can always drop me a line and ask for it to be directed to Matrox marketing department. Please make it apparent in the message header (ie Please FWD to Matrox MKT or similar) so that I am aware.

                      Matrox aren't in the habit of dropping their email adresses for public use, but I am "allowed" to use my discretion.

                      I think that you would also agree on such a rule if someone got upset at your own posts.


                      • #12
                        This_Idiot - Why would you forward my complaints to the "marketing dept" ? So that on their boxes they could put "Odds are this card won't work properly, but please buy it anyway cuz new drivers are 'coming soon'" ?

                        I don't see how a company could go and release a product that's buggy and continue to sell it. I mean, Yeah, it happens all the time with computer software and stuff, but this is like, the MAIN thing of the card, and it's screwing up for a large chunk of users? If "marketing dept" is what I think it is, we don't need to get a hold of them. We need to get ahold of the people in charge of the drivers. I mean, there are posts dating as far back as November 18th saying this bug has been reproduced by Matrox -- it's been almost *3* months and who knows how long they've actually known about this!!

                        Forward this, if anything, to anyone you feel might have an impact -- I *will* be starting up a web page with a petition to get them to fix their drivers. I will continue to annoy Matrox until they do something -- I've been likened to a little dog that bites one's ankles and doesn't let go until it gets what it wants.

                        The fact of the matter is though, Matrox HAS to do something about this, and they have to do it fast, because I, and I think it's safe to say many others, are sick and tired of it.


                        • #13

                          What is your problem ?

                          The regulars here know exactly what Haig was referring to.

                          The drivers will be released when they are ready, your whining and pissing off regular members here won't get them out any faster than they would be released anyway, but it will eventually get you somewhere.

                          The community has within ~2.5years found a home here with the help of Chris, and we are here to discuss different aspects of Video Editing in our computers, and helping each other (and the beginners) with the process.
                          As a lot of our regulars are either professionals or "HeavyDuty" hobbyists with years (or decades) of experience in computers or NLE, we do not look kindly to some pimplefaced beginner coming here pissing everyone off, especially when he doesn't even seem to want any help.



                          • #14
                            If you want to annoy Matrox until they do something about it then please do it through their official channels. Haig and Olliver are TS guys, they can report on problems that are brought to their attention, they cannot fix things themselves, they cannot give out release dates. Continued ranting and raving in here will do nothing but annoy other users and start arguments.


                            • #15
                              Hi Guys,
                              I was going to make a comment but maybe it is best to just let these things go, I don't post often and don't want to intrude.

                              I would like to say THANKS to people like Haig, Oliver, Ant, This Idiot, Doc etc etc. Just for being involved in this forum. From what I see, 80 percent of problems are fixed quickly because of their input. Maybe we have to accept that for the money we spend, we are not going to get a perfect solution. It would be best to help Matrox not annoy them. Work the solution not the problem!

                              CMB - I have a BE6 ver 1, P3 500, 128 Meg, G400 32 DH, RRG and a generic sound card. It works fine as far as I can tell. I do have a 300 Watt power supply, but the original 250 Watt also did not have problems. No overclocking and Win 98 SE, PD 5.4 and VT 1.51. ATA66 works fine also.


