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New Matrox util released

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  • New Matrox util released

    This util is for forcing 1x/2x/4x(where applicable) AGP on G200 and G400, and works on 9x/2k/NT.

    [This message has been edited by Kruzin (edited 23 June 2000).]
    Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s

  • #2
    Thanks Kruzin, may be just what I need.


    • #3
      Since I tried using this utility to force agp2x, which I still have no idea if it really did or not since matrox powerdesk doesn't tell you if your card is in 1x/2x/4x. But since I did use this utility I don't get the blackscreen for a few seconds anymore, it just jumps right in. So it did something, what I have no idea. Just that startup is a few seconds faster


      • #4
        Why didn't they just build this into the drivers? We all know the inbuilt test that checks whether the cards can do Agp x1 and X2 sucks and has forced users in the past/present to use reg hacks to get there system to work at the correct speed.
        All thats needed is a couple of tick boxes and an indicator to say what mode your running in at present so you can try forcing the card. I'm sure they could put that in the drivers and put a tab under display settings.
        Thanks Kruzin for the news though.
        Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
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        • #5
          I think there is a good chance we will see this feature integrated into the drivers in some future build...but only time will tell for sure
          Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


          • #6
            Too many WHQL issues are involved. This is why it's a separate utility.



            • #7
              If matrox can make a util that tells us what mode the matrox card is running this would be fine. I don't have to have it in the powerdesk. Does this util write anything into the registry, modify anything on the card, etc ?


              • #8
                Hi Galvin,

                2nd release will have an agp mode indicator for each supported OS and card along with all the registry switches that tech supp is allowed to put in.

                Tech supp will be expanding on this utility as time goes on so I'm all ears for suggestions.

                For the 3rd release, I'm hoping that we can put in some game and 3D cad app tweaks.



                • #9
                  WOW! This is GREAT! I've once suggested this kind of utility in the feature request thread on the tch Support forum, and other did too... and Matrox actually listens to it's userbase! That's something that can't be said of many other companies, and can't be said of almost all companies when doing things to this extend.

                  3D features would be nice:
                  VSync, Z-Buffer depth for Direct3D and OpenGL (seperate controls), fsaa (for all the weenies out there that think it is usefull.... I myself do not see a reason why to implement this feature)


                  • #10
                    Now why wouldn't we listen to you ?

                    2nd release will have a D3D, an OGL, and a miscellaneous tab with separate settings in each tab. I'm just waiting as to what tech supp can actually put.



                    • #11
                      "That's something that can't be said of many other companies, and can't be said of almost all companies when doing things to this extend."

                      Which companies are those? 3Dfx & Nvidia have had these features for a loooong time....


                      • #12
                        Well, Haig, it would be nice to have a switch in the same program, if backward compatible with earlier versions of drivers & PD's, that enables the user to switch between either OpenGL or the TurboGL.

                        Also, you might want to trick the Matrox Tweak Util into it again. And as dZeus said, have the option to enable or disable Vsynch.



                        • #13
                          Going straight back... DosFreak, you misread dZeus...
                          Matrox actually <u>listens</u> to it's userbase!. That's something that can't be said of many other companies, and can't be said of almost all companies when doing things to this extend.
                          (emphasis mine) ... see the difference?


                          [This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 25 June 2000).]

