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Final Answer: AGP force on Win 2000

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  • Final Answer: AGP force on Win 2000

    I search the forums and usenet, seeing different answers...

    How can I force AGP 1x, 2x on a G400 Max in Win2000?
    Does AGP Switch work in win2k?
    What is the registry hack?

    A final answer would be great.


  • #2
    This was posted by APV a while ago..

    KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Service s\G400\Device0\Mga.AGPFlags
    04 01 00 00 ¡¡autoset 1x/2x
    01 01 00 00 ¡¡force AGP1X
    00 00 00 00 ¡¡force AGP2X
    just run regedit. and change the key to "00 00 00 00 ¡¡force AGP2X ". and reboot system.
    ur g400 must be 2x agp mode.

    And it works..

    AthlonXP 1700+@1900+(1.59GHz) on Abit KG7, 512Mb DDRram, Elsa Gladiac 920, SB 128 pci, ADI microscan 17in monitor, Pioneer 6x dvd rom,Ricoh7083CDRW, 56k modem


    • #3
      Thanks works as advertised!

      I find it interesting that AGP 2x works fine with Win2000 but did not work well at all with Win98.

      I thought it was a motherboard issue, but the now it seems otherwise.

      Did anyone have similar results?


      • #4
        hmm I cant run agp2x without lockups and screen corruption in win2k. Rags seems to think its the mobo not liking that all my ram slots are full and with ram from differemt manufacturers. I will test later

        Celeron 300a@464 on a Abit BH6 Rev 1.01, 192 Pc100, Matrox G400 32 SH, SBlive Value, Supra Express 56i ISA, all running on Win2k pro with other odds and ends
        Celeron II 566@ 952 on a Abit BE6 Rev 1, 128 Pc100, Matrox G450 32 DH, SBlive Value, Supra Express 56i ISA, all running on Win2k pro with other odds and ends


        • #5
          Currently I can't get 2x AGP on my system eaither, but.....
          My card (MAX) runs fine at 2x in another PC.
          It would appear it's a case issue.
          This case is quite old and the card just doesn't quite sit in the AGP slot correctly.
          There is the tinyest of lift at one end of the card once it is screwed into place, enough for it to not run in 2x mode.
          Anyway, new case arrives today *woohooo, only been waiting like a month for it* so all should now work fine for me.
          It cost one penny to cross, or one hundred gold pieces if you had a billygoat.
          Trolls might not be quick thinkers but they don't forget in a hurry, either

