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Millennium G400 slow?

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  • Millennium G400 slow?

    I have the 32MB AGP (at 2x) Millennium G400 and it seems like it's slower then it should be. I have a PIII 450mhz with 128MB RAM. I ran 3DMark 99 Max and the card gets 3238 in 800x600 16 bit color. Also in Quake3 arena, I get 24.5 fps running the q3demo1 and 23.7 fps running q3demo2 (1024/768 32bit color). These numbers hardly even move when I turn off 32 bit zbuffer and the other options. I've played around with tweaks and overclocking and nothing has increased the speed. I also have the latest drivers installed. Is this normal? (I'm thinking about returning the card and buying a different brand).

  • #2
    I don't think changing the card will help you out. What are your system specs. What about IRQs???


    • #3
      Make sure you have Build 200 of 3Dmark. The old Build 100 does not have P3 support.

      "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


      • #4
        The cards using IRQ 9... and I just checked the 3DMark version and it's build 200. I was able to increase speed for Quake3 by installing the TurboGL... it's now up to 34 fps.

        From the benchmarks I've seen in the last few days on the web, the 3DMark results should be around 4500-5000. Any ideas why mines so low (3200)?


        • #5
          Are you using Win98?


          • #6
            Win98 SE


            • #7
              What is 3DMark, and how do i check it?

              I have a P3, 450 MHz
              128 Ram
              G400 32 SH

              I get about 36 FPS in Unreal... i don't have Quake so i can't test that out... but they should be about the same, right? It seems to me that the G400 is a bit slow as well...


              • #8
                Make sure your card does not share IRQs and that You're using 3DMark MAX (rather than Pro).
                Secondly, Quake2 scores are significantly higher than Unreal scores with a G400 (and in general). Even if you do not use the TurboGL, which you should

                Soyo 7IZB+, C500A, 96MB PC100, G400Max, Vortex2
                Asus A7V, Duron 600@900, 192MB PC133@100, G200, Guillemot MUSE, etc.


                • #9
                  Are you sure that you turn Vsync to OFF?

                  Celeron 300P@558/2.0v, P3B-F, G400DH/32MB
                  P4-2.8C, IC7-G, G550


                  • #10
                    It's 3D Mark 99 Max and I've run it about 20 times now with enabling and disabling settings (like vsync) and the score barely changes. The highest I've gotten is 3290. I also checked the bios and enabled "Assign IRQ for VGA" which moved it now from IRQ 9 to 11 and it isn't shared.

                    Maybe I was just expecting too much from the card. I just upgraded my system to an ATX case and a motherboard (Tekram P6Pro-A+) with AGP 2x. I was replacing my Voodoo3 2000 PCI so I could get 32bit color. Unfortunately now I can't play some games, like Unreal (with the patch that adds direct3d -- too choppy at 1024x768) and Thief (way too choppy). I think maybe the card just doesn't like my system.


                    • #11
                      I have the MAX and a K7 600...I am getting 6000+/10400+ for 3Dmark and in the high 60s for Q2 at 1028/768 res...But, this is in 16 Bit...try rerunning the benchs at 16 bit/16Z and see if you don't get acceptable scores...
                      Might be that you are trying to get too much from the card/Sys that you have...I know that I have a hard time playing Q3 or UT online at 1028/768...even at 800/600 I get some chops when there is alot of guys an alot of explosions, etc...
                      PS. If you aren't showing IRQ/resource conflicts in your Devices, then it probably isn't related to IRQ's...

                      [This message has been edited by kelin (edited 13 November 1999).]


                      • #12
                        I ran the benchmarks in 32bit and 16bit in Quake3 and Unreal. By switching to 16bit it only increased fps by less then 5. I get about 20-30 in UT and in Quake3 I was getting 24.5 fps 16bit and 25 fps 32bit. With the TurboGL, Quake3, is up to 37 fps in 16bit and 30 in 32bit. The TurboGL helps a bit, but Direct3D doesn't seem to be too good.

                        The 3DMark99 results are from 800x600 16bit (I have the demo version).


                        • #13
                          Is there really a performance improvement or crash avoidance advantage to giving the G400 Max its own IRQ? I'm running Win98 and the G400 is sharing IRQ 11 with "IRQ Holder for PCI Steering", whatever that is. Meanwhile IRQ 9 is free.

                          If there is an advantage, can somebody please tell me how to make Win98 give the G400 its own IRQ?




                          • #14
                            BUSMASTERING ON!!!!!
                            Celeron 566@877 1.8V, 256meg generic PC-100 RAM (running at CAS2) Abit BH6, G400 16meg DH@150/200, Western Digital Expert 18gig, Ricoh mp7040A(morphed to mp7060A) Pioneer 6X DVD slot load, Motorola Cable Modem w/DEC ethernet card, Soundblaster Live Value Ver. 2, Viewsonic GT 775


                            • #15

                              I have almost the same system stats as you, and I'm getting 4554 3dMarks. And it files at 1024x768x32bit. Don't return that card yet cause it aint the problem here, unless it's defective.

                              The Rock

