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New Version of Powerdesk 5 Resolution Manager

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  • New Version of Powerdesk 5 Resolution Manager

    Hi Everyone,

    Version 2.0 of the Powerdesk 5 Resolution Manager is available at my homepage, <a href="">here</a>.

    Please give it a try and let me know what you think.

    Ant, feel free to upload this to the MURC downloads section.

    Mark Veneziano
    Mark Veneziano

  • #2
    MarkV : hi Mark .. good job.
    The odd thing i found is that it gave me a " registry error " when i launch the program .. then it opens normally and it detects my display at 0000 which is correct .. then when i add a res. or change any registry settings .. it says reigistry error .. but when i look at the registry .. i found that it really add that resolution .. and it changed what i choose to change. weired .
    i'm now going to reboot to see if it really works.
    i have a G200 8 MB SD , PD 5.25 at 0000.

    Giga Byte 6BXE, celeron300A@450, 128 Ram
    G200 8M SD, driver 5.25, Bios 1.6

    GigaByte 6BXC, celeron300A@450, 128 Ram, G200 8M SD


    • #3
      Ok .. resolution add works ok for the single res. i tried (960x720) .. also changes made to registry works ok after reboot ..
      the only odd thing that it always gives me a msg saying registry error.
      G200 and PD 5.25 and bios 1.6
      nice program .. hope u can fix that weired msg soon

      Giga Byte 6BXE, celeron300A@450, 128 Ram
      G200 8M SD, driver 5.25, Bios 1.6

      GigaByte 6BXC, celeron300A@450, 128 Ram, G200 8M SD


      • #4
        Hi arbymo,

        The only thing I can think of that could be causing the error messages are missing registry keys. Here are the keys the programs excpect to be present:

        HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Matrox\PowerDesk\Versio n5\CurrentSettings
        HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Matrox\PowerDesk\Versio n5\DesktopIconsFeatures
        HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Matrox\PowerDesk\Versio n5\WindowsPosition
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Matrox\PowerDesk\Curre nt Settings
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Matrox\PowerDesk\Versi on5\CurrentSettings
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Class\Display\XXXX\Settings\CPU
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Class\Display\XXXX\Settings\DirectX
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Class\Display\XXXX\Settings\Engine
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Class\Display\XXXX\Settings\Engine\Clocks
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Class\Display\XXXX\Settings\GDI
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Class\Display\XXXX\Settings\Monitor
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Class\Display\XXXX\Settings\VideoParameters

        (where XXXX is your Display Number)

        If any of these keys is not there, you will get the error. Is that what the problem is?

        Mark Veneziano

        [This message has been edited by MarkV (edited 09 November 1999).]
        Mark Veneziano


        • #5

          I 'm getting a registry error too.

          Checked the registry and in my registry the following lines are not present:

          HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Matrox\PowerDesk\Versio n5\WindowsPosition

          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Matrox\PowerDesk\Curre nt Settings

          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Class\Display\XXXX\Settings\Engine\Clocks
          I have a G400MAX with PD 5.30
          Everything is running well, no problems.



          • #6
            Hi Rob,

            Thanks for your message. I was pretty sure it was missing registry keys that were causing the problems with this version. The program assumes that all these keys are present. This was probably a bad assumption since it was solely based on what my system's registry looks like. Powerdesk probably does not create every key until you change an option that needs a particular key present.

            Anyway, now that I know this is the problem for sure, I should have a fix in hopefully less than an hour.

            Sorry about the problems!

            Mark Veneziano

            Mark Veneziano


            • #7
              Version 2.1 is now up. Get it <a href="">here</a>.

              Please keep up the messages if there are any more problems. Good luck!

              Mark Veneziano

              Mark Veneziano


              • #8
                Thanks Mark,

                That was a quick repair.
                Works like a charm now.



                • #9
                  Using the "Show All", the option "Use Hi Color Mode" shows up. I assumed this was to enable 15-bit instead of 16-bit color, but it will not stay toggled. There used to be a hack to do this, didn't there? If not, what is this actually supposed to do?
                  Handy little program, thanks Mark.

                  I say "Here's a monkey wrench... If you bop me over the head with it long enough I might wake up for a second."

                  "I wrestled with reality for 27 years and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it."

