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Dual Head Problem

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  • Dual Head Problem

    Hello everyone,

    a few weeks ago I recieved my G400 MAX in addition to the 32 MB SH OEM that I already have.
    As I recieved my MSI6867 with an Athlon 500 (now on 650 , thanks to TOM) at the same day I started to move my "old" BX6r2 with P2450 and the OEM G400 into my Linux Server and
    the Athlon became the new Client.

    Here comes my problem:
    I´m owning 2 monitors: 1st is a Belinea 108015 21" Monitor (really good one) and 2nd is
    a SUN GDM20D10 20" screen (Sony Trinitron OEM)

    Note that the Belinea is a "normal" multisync
    with HSync from 30-115 kHz but the SUN indeed is a SUN monitor for their workstations with
    HSync from 68-82 kHz only.
    As the SUN doesn´t use a VGA connector I use
    a special adaptor cable from SUN and added
    220 nano farads between VSync and HSync to get compsync for the SUN.
    The SUN works fine on the 1st head in 1280*1024*32*72Hz and I can easily plug the
    Belinea to the 2nd head and everything works fine. When I connect the SUN to the 2nd head and the Belinea to the first and set the 2nd port to exactly the same settings than the 1st (including the "advanced Monitor settings") the SUN remains black !

    The same thing happened when I set up X11 to run on the SUN with the G400 OEM (although it worked just fine with the SUN when it was running W98 in my old config).
    After playing around with xvidtune I found out that when I set HSync and VSync to be negative ( or add to XF86config in line "Modeline" -vsync -hsync ) everything runs
    fine on the SUN.

    So I thouht I should play around with the
    advanced monitor settings. Here you can
    also change VSync and HSync polarity but none of the settings makes it work for the SUN on the 2nd head.

    One might ask why I don´t use the SUN as the first head. As the SUN is only capable of displaying resolutions between 1024*768 and 1280*1024 it useless for a PC to boot on as
    you can´t even see anything unless windows
    has switched to high-res.

    But than again I´d really like to use the monitor as 2nd head as it is one of the best
    monitors of their times (5-6 years ago this one was priced @ US$ 2499 ) and still offers
    a very high quality.

    Pleeeeeease Help ...

    Thx.... Bjoern