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What is the deal with busmastering?

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  • What is the deal with busmastering?

    Yes, AGP1X didn't make any difference. The G400 (and the G200 before it) seems to be perfectly happy with AGP2X @ 2/3 (66MHz) AGP.


  • #2
    I had the same problem whith sega rally 2, in
    the car profile for the Peugeot 306 Maxi,
    (the images show the car in a mountain road
    with fog), only disabling bus mastering make
    possible to see the car presentation. Since disabling bus mastering had a huge impact in performance I tried everything to be able to
    use bus mastering with sega rally 2. After trying a lot of things (including reinstalling win98 and removing all my pci cards) I found that with Powerdesk 5.11 (the one that came with my MAX) and bus mastering enable the problem was gone. I also have TOCA2, I will try it tonight.

    P3-500, Shuttle 661P, 512Meg HSDRAM,WD Expert 18GB, Segate Medalist 6GB, AOpen 40X CDROM, HP 8100i CD-RW, G400 MAX, SB Live Value, 3Com 10/100 (3C905B-TX) , Sony F400 19"
    P3-500, Shuttle HOT-661/P, 512Meg HSDRAM,WD Expert 18GB, Segate Medalist 6GB, AOpen 40X CDROM, HP 8100i CD-RW, G400 MAX, SB Live Value, 3Com 10/100 (3C905B-TX) , Sony F400 19"


    • #3
      Where does all this BH6 crap come from? Perhaps its the base of ownership, timing with the release of a certain celeron that so many people have one

      BM just fine here.


      • #4
        Well I have tried TOCA 2 (foggy wheather)with bus mastering enable and several Powerdesk versions and the results are:

        5.11.012 - OK
        5.13.020 - OK
        5.21.017 - Hang
        5.25.019 - Hang

        No IRQ sharing, AGP 2x (not forced), pcispy reports no conflits.

        It seems a driver problem.
        P3-500, Shuttle HOT-661/P, 512Meg HSDRAM,WD Expert 18GB, Segate Medalist 6GB, AOpen 40X CDROM, HP 8100i CD-RW, G400 MAX, SB Live Value, 3Com 10/100 (3C905B-TX) , Sony F400 19"


        • #5
          What is the deal with busmastering?

          Hi. My G400 had been working flawlessly until I purchased TOCA2 (nice game). Whenever I entered a track with fog effect, my machine hanged. I tried all kinds of options with no luck. Then I read all these threads about busmastering and I thought I'd give it a go. Disabled busmastering and TOCA2 worked without a glitch, although the performance took a hit.
          Afterwards, I tried to re-enable busmastering, but after that all 3D games froze immediately to a black screen. I got the working again only by completely re-installing the G400 drivers. Strange?

          So, does this indicate a problem with my setup or the G400 driverset? Is there any solid information on what's causing these troubles with busmastering? I didn't yet check the VMCPD.VXD file mentioned in another thread (I'm at work), I'll have to check that.

          But seems odd that so many problems seem to relate to busmastering.

          Please comment.

          Abit BH6 rev1.0
          128MB PC-100
          Canopus DVRaptor
          PCI Modem
          Nokia 447Xavc
          Nokia 447B
          No IRQ conflicts.



          • #6
            You tried forcing AGP1X? That seems to cure a lot of problems, especially with your Abit BH6.


            PS: Some or all of the above message may be wrong, or, just as likely, correct. Depends on what mood I'm in. And what you know. ;¬)

