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Problems with G400 and motherboards

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  • Problems with G400 and motherboards

    Hi everybody,

    Recently I changed my Matrox G-200 for a G-400 dualhead OEM. I could not get it to work. I installed the drivers (the ones in the original CD ) but after rebooting the system crashed, the screen showed funny colours and the cursor was transparent. I could not see the desktop. The only conflict that the System Manager would show was that the Intel 82371 AB/EB PCI to USB controler was not installed or was incorrectly installed (it said that the resources were in use by something else). Also, the root USB would not show up. I tried unistalling the drivers, installing the new ones available from Matrox, but nothing changed. I tried with a new card and the same thing happened.

    I reformated the hard disk and installed a new Win98 (first edition) operating system. Before I installed the card drivers, the system would correctly detect the PCI to USB chip and consecuently, would install the USB port. I installed nothing but the operating system. I had previously removed everything from my PC (SCSI adapters, Iomega ZIP, modem, etc) but the G400, the CD-ROM and the hard disks. The screen adapter (Standar VGA) would show a yellow mark. After installing the drivers, the system manager would show a yellow mark in the G400 and in the PCI to USB controller and, again, no root USB would show up. Also, no IRQ would be asigned to the PCI to USB controller. The scrren would not allow any other resolution but 640x480x16 colours (it shows a yellow mark in the G400 card), and everytime I rebooted would tell me that the card is not correctly installed and ask me to install the VGA card. If I unistall the matrox drivers and install an standard VGA card and manually asigned an IRQ for the PCI to USB controller BEFORE installing the drivers for the matrox, it would assign either IRQ 3 or 10 (3 before rebooting, 10 after rebooting) and the root USB would show up (before rebooting only, not afterwards). If I then install the matrox drivers, the problem would return (no root USB, no IRQ for the PCI to USB controller, no IRQ assigned to the PCI to USB controller, 640x480x16 cxolours only, etc.). I have tried installing the new drivers and new BIOS for the matrox, the new BIOS for the motherboard, disabling the "Assign IRQ for USB" option in the motherboard, disabling all COM ports, changing the AGP aperture size in the motherboard from 64 (default) to 128, assigning manually the IRQ for the PCI slots (in the BIOS), changing the BIOS option "PnP system installed" from Yes (default) to No, changing the "Assign IRQ to VGA" option in the motherboard from No to Yes, disabling the USB in the motherboard, replacing the card G400, and all of this combinations together. Nothing changed, even if I reinstall the operating system. I have tried with the english, german, french and spanish drivers, but the results were the same. If I changed the card for the G200, the system would work perfectly well, so the problem is obviously a problem with the card, but it does not make any sense. It does not share an IRQ with anything (I have no other card installed), it does not use the same IRQ as the PCI to USB controller (not at least that the system information report it), it is not that specific card (I have exchanged it for another G400 dualhead and the proble is the same) so ¿were is the problem? I do not see a way to go now. I have even changed the memory address for the PCI to USB controller but this makes no difference. I have also tried disabling the PCI to USB controller and the root USB before installing the Matrox, but this does not makes any difference either.

    I would appreciate suggestions.

    Thank you very much,

    My system is:

    Intel Celeron 400 (runnig at 66 Mhz)
    Matrox G400 dualhead (laters drivers and BIOS)
    Maxtor 8,4 Gb disk (7200 rpm)
    Seagate 6,4 (5200 rpm)
    Toshiba 3260 32X CD-ROM
    128 Mb SDRAM (no EEC)
    IWILL BD100 Plus motherboard (latest BIOS)

    A couple of days ago I replaced the motherboard for another one (differend brand). I formatted the disk and installed Win98. Same thing happened. Exactly the same problem: yellow mark on the PCI to USB controller, the drivers (no matter what version) would install correctly (not the powerdesk though) but upon rebboting, the system would recognize a new VGA card and ask me again for drivers. If I cancel this without assigning a driver, enter into Windows, delete the PCI to USB and reboot, the PCI would install OK untill I removed the drivers of the G400 and install a new ones.

    I also changed the CPU (just in case this was the problem) but nothig changed, even if I reinstall windows again. Then I decided to try another solution. I deleted the old drivers and the PCI to AGP controller, and selected a Standard VGA card as the viedeo card. I rebooted the system and got the PCI to AGP controller OK (first I changed the motherboard to Load BIOS defaults and selected only three changes: Assign IRQ to VGA, Disable IRQ for USB and choosed an aperture size of 256 for the matrox (although I know this does not makes any difference). Upon rebooting Windows "founded" again an VGA card and ask me for the drivers: I choosed Matrox G400 drivers (latest) and rebooted. Again garbled graphics. So I enter into Safe mode and changed the Hardware accelaration option in Screen Properties> G400 Properties from the highest to the lowest. This cured the problem (I have not had the time to try another options and see what happens, but I did tried changing the registry key to AGP1X, AGP2X and Default AGP (actually 2X) and all worked OK. The only problem I have right know is that the Matrox Powerdesk does not load. It is already installed (I have tried removing it with the Matrox utility and reinstalling it, but this makes no difference). If I clic in the PDESK.EXE I get an error saying something like "The drivers for the AGP card are not compatible with Powerdesk... (¿¿¿¿¿Does this makes any sense to anybody, specially to the MATROX GUYS????). So I have to chage the resolution from the Windows scrren options, and I cannot set any options for the card. This does not make very happy, but at least it is working.

    I am sure this is not a problem of this card (I have tried another one), of this motherboard (I have tried a different one) of the CPU (I have tried three different ones) of the settings in the motherboard (I have tried everything possible), of the BIOS (I have changed the motherboards BIOS and the cards BIOS), of incompatibilities with another cards (I have removed everything but the Matrox). I think the problem lies in the Matrox card, and specially in the drivers. I blame Matrox for this. They should have tested it in different boards. I can think in another cause of the problem: I have a CELERON PPGA 400. It could be that this CPU has some problems, or that PPGA (socket 370 mounted on socked 1) it is causing some problem, but this does not say anything in favour of Matrox. Many people uses this combination and the card should work right from the start. Besides this, it seems that the card has different other problems in different motherboards. I think that they SHOULD come up with a solution (I mean drivers or a utility to install the card, for instance, changing automatically the Graphics speed option in Windows).

    At the moment I am left with the system working after 7 days of experimenting (and this is not something that street people will usually do, specially because they do not have the chance to chage the CPU, the motherboard, the card, etc.) but the PowerDesk and all the Matrox options associated would not load.

    I hope this could help others with the same problem, and I will keep on trying to solve it, but I believe the solution SHOULD come from Matrox.

    Thank you and I wait for other ideas,

    Thank you

  • #2

    Boy you sure are long-winded.

    Anyway, since none of the good old regulars wanna help you out, I'll give this a shot (waiting for our order of Back Office via FedEx to arrive so I can install it and TEST the damn thing).

    Easiest thing to check first is whether your monitor is giving off bad DDC vibes to your G400. Turn off Plug and Plague monitor in your display settings. Choose the right monitor profile (if you can't find it, use a generic one like SVGA 1280x1024@60Hz for most 17" monitors). See if your system stabilizes. If YES, keep the PnP Monitor thingie OFF. If your monitor could use BNC, use it.

    The above did diddley for you?

    OK. First thing about IRQ assignment via the mobo, assign HIGH IRQ numbers to the PCI slots. You have no choice for AGP, but for PCI, you can. Probably USB has a FIXED IRQ assignment (you don't get to pick it) OR the darn motherboard uses its "smarty" plug-and-plague<sup>tm</sup> logics to screw you around. Good luck on that!

    (Anyway, what I meant by HIGH IRQ is #9 to #15.)

    Free up COM ports resources (IRQ #3 and #4) if you don't use any one of them. E.g. COM1 which most people use for the SERIAL Mouse and uses IRQ #4 but if you have PS/2 mouse which typically use IRQ#12, dump COM1.

    OK. Now, we go play-play with IRQ assignment. Manually assign your IRQ for each PCI SLOT, try installing your system with just the G400, and HD controller (if not EIDE). Move the cards around till you see no conflict AND both G400 and the HD controller have IRQ# 9 or higher and are NOT SHARING IRQs (except with the PCI Steering Holder thingie).

    Note about reinstalling. Install Standard VGA (not Super VGA) for your display. Once everything is going (no conflicts, and no screen *corruptions*, just good old 16 colors of FUN), then install using the Matrox G400 drivers.

    Things <u>should</u> WORK now. If not, write again.

    Assuming that things are honky-dory, add/install one PCI card at a time. Yep, reboot heaven is where you will be in for a while till all cards are installed. Each time you install keep track of possible conflicts. Only install the next card if you have successful resolve your conflicts.

    Alrighty, that's all I could think of right now. IMHO, the CPU should have NOTHING to do with your problem. Just Plug-and-Plague<sup>tm</sup> having a little fun with you and your time.

    Take care, and good LUCK!!

    JamesA who BOLDs a LOT
    System Details

    "light blue shirt guy? No!! YK looks better than him." - Dorene

    [This message has been edited by JamesA (edited 09-16-1999).]
    <b>JamesA</b>: Just a <b>Dumbass MURCer</b>


    • #3

      Uhh.. You <u>are</u> using PowerDesk 5.25 right? If not, why aren't you?!

      JamesA who BOLDs a LOT
      System Details

      &quot;light blue shirt guy? No!! YK looks better than him.&quot; - Dorene
      <b>JamesA</b>: Just a <b>Dumbass MURCer</b>


      • #4

        Check this out and see if it related.

        (Chatting with my wife on ICQ and waiting for FedEx. Cool job, eh?)

        JamesA who BOLDs a LOT
        System Details

        &quot;light blue shirt guy? No!! YK looks better than him.&quot; - Dorene
        <b>JamesA</b>: Just a <b>Dumbass MURCer</b>


        • #5
          Thank for your replies. I will try the suggestion about the monitor (I have already tried the rest, even manually assigning IRQ to all COMS and other, and disabling them).

          I am using the 5.25 drivers, but this does not seem to make any difference at all.



          • #6
            I have managed to get one of the motherboards working. I still get the problem on the other two, though. It seems that the G400 would only run if I run this steps:
            1.- I delete the installed drivers.
            2.- I install the Standard VGA PCI card (it would not work neither install correctly if I choose Standar VGA, it would give me the typical yellow mark and ask me to install a new driver).
            4.- In Screen Properties > Configuration > Advanced > ... > Hardware acceleration (Graphics tab), I reduce the mark one step. This is a vital point, the rest of the steps would not install the drivers.
            5.- Reboot
            6.- I removed the PCI to USB controller (it has a yellow mark on it at this point).
            7.- Upon rebooting Windows ask me to choose a driver for the VGA card. I cancel and make sure no yellow marks are in the System Manager.
            8.- I install the new drivers.
            Then, and only then, in only one of the motherboards, this will work and the drivers for the Powerdesk will be installed. In the other motherboards, I would allways get a yellow mark and the CD with the drivers would not load (only a blue screen with the Matrox logo, nothing else). This seems to me too much hazzle for installing a card (specially taking into account that afters several days of work, it would only install in one motherboard out of three). Something is wrong with Matrox.


            • #7
              ...and also remember that all this are clean installs (win98 and G400, nothing else), a very utopic situation.
              ...and all motherboards have been manually assigned the IRQ (after trying with no luck the Auto option), in all possible combinations, even disabling ALL COM ports and Paralel port (which is not something somebody would like to do in the real world).


              • #8
                Intel Celeron 400 (runnig at 66 Mhz)
                Haven't bought a fan yet, or just playing it safe?


