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G400 and Lockups

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  • G400 and Lockups

    I have constant lockups with my new Matrox G400. I have tried ro reinstall the drivers, changing the Aperture size, dedicate single IRQ to the card, update the BIOS (on the card). And still it hangs randomly and mostly when running games in 32 bit. Any G400 users please post any info, especially if you have the same rig as mine.

    My rig:Asus P2B-LS board Bios rev 1010, 256 ram, P3 450 running W98 SE.
    I am using the Powerdesk 5.13.020 drivers. The latest?! drivers at Matrox homepage.

    Thanks for any tip.

    [This message has been edited by sandman (edited 08-29-1999).]

  • #2
    There are newer drivers; 5.15.022, get them from the RRG section. They are beta and meant for RRG users but I use them anyway, seem to be good.

    Could you give some more detail on your system:

    What are your PCI devices? (and their driver versions?)
    Which games cause the lock-ups?


    • #3
      Hi !

      wery strange...I have similar PC P2b +128megs.PIII450,WIN98SE,latest bios for MBo(1010) & G400 , no problems in any game16/32 bit or other...I dont recaomend you to use PD5.15 I tryed them too but after contacting MATROX-TECH support, they advised me not to use them...when you have lockups does your system crash ? you have to reatasrt ? or it just jumps in to wich games u have lockaups ?...did u see if the game u play mabe have a NEW PATCH relesed ? did u try deinstalling with MATROX UNINSTAL util & than again install the PD5.13, where does it lockup more and if OPENGL or DX ?...

      so i played these fine games with no single lockup X-W-A,ALIEN vs PREDATOR ,KINGPIN (ok here I get some litle problem when I saved the game & wanted to load again it just freez my sys & I had to restert..but newer any problem while playing ),Q2,+RECONING,SIN(latest patch)...ofcourse 1024x768x32 desktop 32bit,32bitzbfON,VsyncON,NO O/C

      mabe U have running something in TASK like ANTIVIRUS,or other litle support programs wich could make these LOCKUP problem once i have a litle clock installed wich was running in TASK & I got the LOCKUP problem too after disableing it... ewerything was OK then . You knowe CTRL+ALT+DEL then u can see what is in task at the moment ...

      Does it LOCKUP when playing the game & CDROM is playing GAME TRAX at the same time..did U try to desable MUSIC ?..What kind of MUSIC CARD u have ?..because these things could make LOCKUPS to & u think that the problem is in your G400, mabe it is in SoundBlaster or other..

      good luck !

      PIII650@806(fsb@124),ASUS P3B-F,128mb,Matrox Mill-G400 32SH,SB.Live!vlue ,IntelliMouse Explorer


      • #4
        Thanks for the help guys, really appreciate it! Well to be more specific I have run this rig with exactly the same things with my TNT without any problems whatsoever so I figure that it can't be anything other than the G400 (since that is the only change). Furthermore it (G400) use IRQ 9 all by itself so there should be no cinflict with any other card or resource. The problems is only 32 bit D3D games since I have played System Shock 2 without any lockup (16bit). OGL works great with no lockups and by lockups I mean a total freeze, picture still there but the puter is totally dead, a real hang. Keyboard as well. The games are DK2, ReVolt and the version of Exependeble that came with the card. I can play them for hours sometimes and just 10 minutes another time but they always hang. Expendeble hangs on the first level at the same location but the strange thing is that if I disable the embossing thingie it don't hang there but do eventually anyway . I will try new drivers if I can find them and hopefully that will help, I will also disable all tasks running to see if that helps, thanks again. I could have suspected the games in some way but the puter has hang at two occations in Windows as well (I'm runnning the desktop 1024x768@32bit)

        This is the hardware installed:
        Diamond MX300, Zoran Video Capture and an old Monster Voodoo 1 but as stated before those things are stable. I naturally tried to run the games with sound disabled.


        • #5
          OOps, sorry I'm sooo stupid. I guessed there was some memory problems involved here but thought it was on the G400. Well I changed the memory on my MB and guess what...yes everything works! And have already emailed Matrox with a long email complaing... oh well. Thanks for your help anyway...I've updated the drivers to 5.15 so it was not for nothing Anyone knows about a good memory error checking proggy ......

          This card really rocks!! Who said that the OGL is crappy?!? Everythin is soooo good and fast!!!


          • #6
            me so happy for U ....!

            & ofcours G400 is TURBO-GREAT Vcard....

            The best way to chack your MEM is bios checker !...Nuts&Bolts is good to but some times reports some MEM error when ewerything runs fine..? I always check with BIOS & it will surly report if somethoing is wrong with your MEM & halt the sys.

            PIII650@806(fsb@124),ASUS P3B-F,128mb,Matrox Mill-G400 32SH,SB.Live!vlue ,IntelliMouse Explorer


            • #7
              to the new forum

