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Help : PD 5.13 Problems

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  • Help : PD 5.13 Problems


    I've installed the driver from CD, after I've downloaded the new PD 5.13 and with Matrox Uninstall utility I've removed the driver, reboot and installed the new one.
    But I've lost the Matrox PD tab in Control Panel/Display/Settings/Advanced...

    IF I don't remove the old driver the Matrox Tabs will be still present.

    The PD 5.13 aren't a full driver release or what ?


  • #2
    hi !

    wery strange....ewerything fine here...try again with UNINSTAL util...let the STANDARD VGA driver from WIN98-95 be instaled...REBOOT or it will happend automaticli...when u get in WIN98-95 again u should then RUN Matrox PD setup....U can alsow make a short cut on desktop for easier aprouch because sometimes the mouse arrow is messing up things on when U run PD setup ewerything other happends automaticly...after that U should have the DSPALY propetis ADVANCE TAB and a litle BLUE monitor icon i SYS TRY....BUT U MUST LET THE STANDARD VGA DRIVER FROM WIN TO BE INSTALED and REBOOTED.... good luck


    • #3

      I have the same problems. I tried everything Spider said, but still no luck. Matrox even re-wrote the .inf file in the installer, but that didn't help either.

      You can try the registry change as I did in this thread: . That makes the (new) PD tabs appear in the wrong window (the main display properties, not the advanced), but at least you can use them again. And the property pages are lost at the next reboot, so I use a .reg file everytime I want to access te PD pages.

      I hope the next PD release wil fix this!


      • #4
        wery sorry bout this... ;( its bed when things doesnt work... what kind of MBO u guys use...becouse I realy havent any problems with those drivers..actualy I use PowerDwsk 5.15 & ewerything is fine

        PIII 450@465,P2b,128Mb,Matrox Mill-g400 32Mb SingleHed,SB.Live !......


        • #5
          hey spider do you have half life? and is the ogl any better in halflife useing 5.15? if not do you still see coruption in d3d (once again halflife d3d)??? of couse ignore this question if you don't have halflife.


          • #6
            hi ! Merchant 2

            Ofcourse I have HALF-LIFE vers.1008 & I newer see any coruption in D3D in OGL some, but I use D3D becouse of LIGHTING witch apears bether under D3D , I play it 1024x760 & 1152x864 runs wrey SMOOTH , because I hawe 15 inch ADI 4p+ monitor I use 1024x768

            about this coruption how they look like ?...realy newer seen any under D3D.

            When I switch in OGL I noticed some darker screen & the LIghting is not so intens..& texture coruption on small objects like signs and stuff like that but stil runs wery smooth 1024x768.

            If things runs well under d3d...why should I play it in OGL..? after all, ther is more games for DX then OGL end DX6.1. is a wery fast API with bright future..


            • #7
              GOOD NEWS for Half-Life..I went thru several maps where I noticed the corupted textures they are fixed now & looks good ,but stil some kind dark & the lighting isnt so bright & intens like under D3D...

              Those darknes was a problem with ALL RIVA cards too from 128 thru TNT & now TNT2... I know because I tested them all Diamond VIPER 330,Creative labs TNT,ASUS 3800 UTNT...I must always us some tools lik HZ or Pstrip to get it right...

