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Suggestion for flame wars

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  • Suggestion for flame wars

    First of all, I would like to say personally that I think it's rather nice of Ant and all to setup, maintain, and help out with these forums. Ya'll that are bitching and moaning about matrox and all that crap, do us all a favour. CALL MATROX about it. We dont wanna hear it. Reason I killed my subscription to the mailing list was all you idiots complaining and flaming all the time. Fortunatly you dont have to read all your inane posts here. While my G200 is not my main gfx card anymore (it's the servers since it works awesome in linux) I still am waiting for the G400MAX with baited breath (just hoping Half-Life runs better on final drivers is all).

    ANyway, my suggestion here is for all the people with an IQ over 50, just ignor these guys. Nothing gets the point across better than for them to post thier "witty reparte" and see absolutly nobody caring at all. Make them realize that they purchased a graphics card. If they arent happy, they should A) return it, or B) File a lawsuit. Just complain to someone that cares. This same argument has been going around since the ICD didnt ship and it's just tiring after a while dont ya'll agree?

    Sorry. I relaize the irony of ranting about ranting. Just had enough with these poeple bashing on people that are just (so far as I can see (I.E., Maggie, Haig)) damn nice and dont deserve this crap.
    A computer is like sex. Your never 100% sure what your doing but when all goes well, it feels REAL good.

  • #2
    Thanx Genom

    Good word !


    Asus P2B-S @ 112MHz FSB * Celeron300A @ 504MHz
    Heavily boosted by the Millenium G400 32MB SGRAM DualHead

