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Quake III stencil bits and ICD 5.55

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  • Quake III stencil bits and ICD 5.55

    do you know how to disable the 8 stencil bits in Quake III ?
    I use the 5.55 ICD (the last one I think), and disabling it with the command r_stencilbits 0 don't works. it's the same if I use the "resolution manager" with anisotropic filtering disabled.
    Dr Von $hultz

  • #2
    r>stencilbits 0 DOES disable the stencil bits.... Z-Buffer is still 32 bit, because it just is! If you want 16-bit z-buffer, I think you have to set colours also to 16-bit in quake3


    • #3
      So, is it graphic related or speed related ?
      Can't be speed, if you're using the 32 bits z-buffer wich takes more out of it than the stencil bits, so it must be those beautyful shadow problems. Am I right ?
      Anyway, if that's the problem just install the TurboGl, it should reduce your z-buffer to 24, but you get rid of the shadow problem (and still have stencil bits). If you want more speed and really want to disable the stencil bits, go uncheck the 32 bits z-buffer option in PowerDesk, it should bring you to 16 bits z-buffer and 0 stencil (you still have to use the TurboGL though).

      [This message has been edited by Aurel (edited 22 May 2000).]


      • #4
        I think its more a question can anyone get 8 bit stencils working at all with quake 3?

        If I set the stencil bits to 8 bits then
        do cg_shadows 2 (stencil buffered shadows) it appears that quake3 doesn't even bother trying to render the world. I just get an almost full screen of the hall of mirrors effect. However if I put cg_shadows 3 (single bit stenciled shadows) it works fine, but is solid black shaped shadows which look really stark.

        Anyone on here had any luck getting the nice shadows working right?


        • #5
          thanks for your replies
          Dr Von $hultz

