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FRUSTRATION. No higher than 40fps in Quake2 w/ G400

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  • FRUSTRATION. No higher than 40fps in Quake2 w/ G400

    I just bout a G400 32meg dual head and cant seem to get anything higher than 37-39 fps in Quake 2 set at 1024x768. Web sites all over the net are posting 55-69 fps!
    My systems is as follows
    AMD K6 III 400mhz w/3DNow
    Epox MVP3G-M
    128 pc 100 RAM
    8.4WD hardrive UDM ATA 33
    My board allows me to synch either the RAM or the AGP slot to the system bus. I synched my RAM
    Bios settings are all that "shadow" stuff disabled
    I have downloaded the new Power desk drivers "5.30" after uninstalling the old drivers
    Installed the tweak utility for the G400
    I have tried over clocking and not
    Direct3D V-Synch disabled
    Using 3DNow (checked)
    I am using the 3DNow optimized gl driver for Quake II
    Am I missing something besides 20 extra frames per second?
    day 2
    I tried a lot last night to try and figure out why I was maxing out at around 40 fps in Quake2.
    I went through a crap load of settings last night:
    -I Disabled shadowing and enable caching on all options in my bios
    -I tried changing my desktop res to 800x600 16 bit.
    -I tried using tweak3d's "autoexec builder" to optimize the Quake2 autoexec.cfg
    -I even changed the res at which I play Quake2 at to 320 x 200!!! and still I max at 43 fps.
    -I have matrox's tweak utility which lets me
    disable V-Synch for Direct3D.
    I think I just had a revelation! V-synch for Direct3D is disabled with the tweak utility but Quake2 doesn't use Direct3D!!! Maybe that's it.
    Ok how do I make sure that my v-Synch is disabled for openGl in Quake2??

    Am I off track? Can you spare enough time to help me with this?

  • #2

    To disable/enable Vsync in Quake2, at the console type the following command:

    and back is

    Hope that helps you.



    • #3
      Hi Antlergoat!
      This is what you were posting "I am using the 3DNow optimized gl driver for Quake II"!! Why don't you try to use the "I am using the Matrox optimized gl driver for Quake II. With my G400 I get 64 fps at 1024 32bit. There are brand new one here Good luck!

      Celeron 300A@450
      Asus P2B,G400 SH 32MB oc@150\200 128MB Cas2 PC100
      PIII 700@933 on Asus P3B-F, GF2 GTS, 512 MB Infineon


      • #4
        Hey thank you for reading my post and offering what you could. Unfortunately I have the latest drivers;

        PowerDesk 5.30
        Optimized openGl for Q2 3.2

        I haven't updated the BIOS yet though, I'll try that next. Any other thoughts becuase I just cant figure out why most people are hit'n between 50 & 60+ .
        My 3dMark 99 scores rock pretty hard even.


        • #5
          argh... no need to post in both forums to get an answer... go read in teh hardware section for other comments...


          • #6
            Sorry. Got kinda desperat. Silly me

