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anybody sorry they bought a g400?

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  • anybody sorry they bought a g400?

    i'm kinda thinking back to when i bought my g400...sometimes i think it was a bad idea...when i first got gave me a bunch of problems with the dvd was choppy even though i wasn't running anything else...also...i'm having a ton of problems with turbo gl now

  • #2
    Im very happy with my g400, no problems at all!
    Asus A7V rev. 1.01p bios 1011
    AMD Thunderbird 800
    SBLive retail with liveware 3.0
    Matrox g400 MAX pd 6.51
    LG Flatron 795FT 17" monitor
    IBM 13.5 GB 7200 hdd
    Pioneer 106-s dvdrom
    directx 8.0a
    384mb pc133


    • #3
      R U kidding me... This card rocks..
      I overclocked it and the thing runs sweet.
      benchmarked it against a voodooo3 and wiped it's ass... The only thing i don't like is the drivers...(not that it's the hardware but from the the guys at matrox)

      They have awesome hardware but it's time to keep up to date with the software...


      • #4
        it IS a great card.... but as you said, the software isnt very good... im having problems with any "older" games (like Unreal, Halflife) but "newer" games (like AvP) runs very smooth... not very cool, since my alltime favourite game is Halflife :/


        • #5
          I love my G400. It's probably the best add-on I bought for my PC since the Voodoo 2. I had some initial problems running Quake 3 and Half-Life with the TurboGL, but after some help it's all running along smoothly.

          Now all I want is games with lots of bumpmaps


          • #6
            That V3 3000 coaster you have there must keep the coffee nice-and-hot on those cold mornings.
            "640K ought to be enough for anybody."
            [Bill Gates, 1981]


            • #7
              Are you kidding?? The hardware rocks, the drivers rock, Unreal and U.T. have never looked so good. I had forgotten how much fun Unreal deathmatch was. I haven't had ONE issue with this card. It rocks every game I play with it, no crashes to speak of.

              The Rock
              "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed."
              -- Albert Einstein


              • #8
                I don't regret buying the G400 Max a bit. The visual quality beats the competition. The speed on P3 processors is right there with the competition.




                • #9
                  No sorry at all. In fact I just ordered a nice new Dual PIII workstation from Dell for work which comes with a G400Max DH installed. Oh happy day!

                  Chris Blake

                  Epox MVP3G5, K6III450, 192Mb RAM, G400Max DH, SBLive! Value and whole load of other stuff
                  Chris Blake


                  • #10
                    If I´m sorry I bou...? ...aumh...,hmm..., No, I´m not insane...
                    PII 350
                    64 SDRAM PC100
                    G400 32 DH MAX
                    SB LIVE PLAYER 1024
                    TAXAN 17"
                    GRAVIS Xterminator (buy it, the best gamepad in the world)


                    • #11
                      I'm not sorry at all.
                      The hardware is very good, and I've no problems with the drivers.

                      I love this card.

                      Corwin the Brute
                      Corwin the Brute


                      • #12
                        Wouldn't look back. You should see the nice coaster on my desk... Voodoo 3 3000..


                        • #13
                          Nope. Sometimes I get curious about Permidia, Voodoo, Savage ect. But never really regretted the purchase. It is expensive, and some driver probs at first. But it rocks. It will grow with my system, unlike V3,or S3. And I like the idea of keeping my money in Canada. We need it.

                          AssuP2B ,iCeleron337, 128megs PC100, G40032megSH, Yamaha PCI sound, 2 small HD's, 42X Sony CDrom and 98SE w/shutdown patch, PD 5.30 w/beta ICD

                          AMD XP2100+, 512megs DDR333, ATI Radeon 8500, some other stuff.


                          • #14
                            I'm sorry that I reduced a sale from convincing my friend he needed a G400 MAX, and not a TNT2


                            • #15
                              I had my reservations about getting a G400 (vanilla), since I have potentially the most problematic setup of them all - a MVP3 based motherboard. I decided to take the plunge, and guess what... ZERO problems! It ran at AGP2X with no complaints, and everything is smooth as silk. Half-life presented some minor difficulties, but it was due to user error. I put some variables in the autoexec.cfg, and it didn't work - because I had the same variable (different value) in the config.cfg, and config.cfg overrides autoexec.cfg. Now I can play Half-Life in 1280x960, although I don't - the crosshairs are next to invisible at that res!

                              One weirdity... NHL2000 didn't like AGP2X, and I have no idea why. All the other games I play run fine with AGP2X. (Shrug)


                              People call me a computer god; I remind them that I am merely a minor deity...
                              People call me a computer god; I remind them that I am merely a minor deity...

