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Direct X7.....

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  • Direct X7.....

    does anyone notice any difference?....

    hey i'm just a kid so don't bug me at least i know quite a bit on pc's!
    C366@550, bm6, 64megs, 4.3gigs, g400 32, scsi 2920, sb live value.
    hey i'm just a kid so don't bug me at least i know quite a bit on pc's!
    C366@550, bm6, 64megs, 4.3gigs, g400 32, scsi 2920, sb live value.

  • #2
    It's bigger than 6.1 (in size that is)


    • #3
      I got an average of 3 extra fps to my gameplay in unreal using dx7

      Here's my settings (they are the way I play, not the way I bench)

      Everything in unreal's settings cranked but:

      vsync disabled
      palettized textures disabled
      triple buffering disabled

      p.s. - music is on/3d sound on (48khz)

      If you don't know how to bench unreal hit the tilde (~) and type "timedemo 1" at unreal's console. Then release the console and let the timedemo cycle one complete cycle. After the first cycle your results should differ very little between each cycle. These are bascially the framerates I get give or take a few tenths of an fps

      dx6 with PD 5.25 at 1024x768 = 31.1 fps

      dx7 with PD 5.25 at 1024x768 = 34.2 fps

      dx7 with PD 5.25 at 1600x1200 = 19.8 fps (awesome, not playable to me but fun to look and gaze at)

      System parts that matter:

      abit bx6-2
      celeron 300a@464
      g400max oc'ed (165/220)
      128 megs cas2 sdram

      don't even use opengl in Unreal, it blows... it actually looks worse too


      • #4
        Yes, I also experienced about 3/4fps increase in Unreal timedemo......not that I would notice it in gameplay.
        3D Mark99 Lite doesnt seem to discriminate that much....still the same.


        • #5
          I've been playing alot of Alien Versus Predator (1024x768x32) lately... There is a huge difference visually. It's much smoother and the framerate is definately better.

          "Impressive.... most impressive..." - 'Vader


          • #6
            Hi all, i have just tried using the timedemo 1 on unreal to get a fps and it comes back with the error:
            Failed to enter ~timedemo:Can't find file "timedemo"
            History:UGameEngine::Init <-InitEngine

            This might be a problem down to the fact that i changed something in the advanced options to standard Unreal console?

            Could someone explain how test Unreal to see how fast it is or what am i doing wrong.

            I have placed a shortcut on my desktop and added the command line ~timedemo 1 is this right?

            Thanks all in advance!

            DJ Watts


            • #7
              I must be the only one who gets worse scores with DX7. On all of the individual result pages in 3Dmark99MAX, I am getting consistantly lower scores in DX7 than DX6. Only a bit, but consistant. I was hopin...

              AssuP2B ,300a at 337, 128megs PC100, G40032megSH, Yamaha PCI sound,2 small HD's, 42X Sony CDrom and 98SE w/shutdown patch, PD 5.25 w/beta ICD

              AMD XP2100+, 512megs DDR333, ATI Radeon 8500, some other stuff.


              • #8
                I was playing drakan before changing to DX7, played it right after, the visual quality is really better also seem to be smoother.


                • #9
                  The first game I tested was Rayman2 demo- with 6.1 raymans head was see through (colored) but see through, with DX7 his head is solid, yellow, or gold, whatever his etninticity is- the point is- the graphics DID improve.

                  : )
                  a digital display of evolution
                  (G200 with aid of Diamond Monster 3D II-SLI)

